Просмотр полной версии : Zdarvstvujte! At me on a neck rodinka since the childhood. But in last years 5 she uve...

Tatyana, 31 year
04.06.2004, 03:24
Zdarvstvujte! At me on a neck rodinka since the childhood. But in last years 5 she has increased in sizes, became as though on a leg or pinch and by the form reminds a mulberry berry, only places svetlee chut-hardly. But the most important in this place were unpleasant sensations. Sometimes a lung pokalyvaenie, sometimes an easy or a light;a mild burning sensation. I know, what is it anything good, whether but it would be desirable to specify possible to remove it or her (by my description)? It is natural, that I shall consult and internally at the doctor. I was interested at surgeons from the center of laser surgery in our city (Surgut). To me have told or said, that if it or her to delete the laser at naliichii cancer cells the principle of action of the laser will not allow them to extend and will not provoke a jerk for their development, t. e. Simultaneously the body rodinki leaves, and all kapiljary and sosudiki, and also okurzhajushchie tissues "are as though soldered". Whether So it? And more. My father-in-law has removed at itself similar rodinku in axillo hollow vodka tincture chistotela. Simply easily promakival its or her once a day. Now at it or him anything is not present. If vse-taki rodinku to delete it is not recommended, whether it is possible to try or taste this way in my case?

05.06.2004, 16:26
You need to seem onko-to the dermatologist (or to the oncologist) and it is desirable immediately. It is necessary to try to remove nothing.