Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor! At mine the daddy a melanoma and a tumour in a backbone. Iz-...

24.05.2004, 16:01
Hello, the doctor!
At mine the daddy a melanoma and a tumour in a backbone. Iz-for it or her at the daddy prorala sensitivity below a waist. The chemotherapy gives temperature which manages to be brought down only hormonal tablets. The daddy sejsas at home. To him have lowered a dose to 2 tablets and the temperature has again risen. Whether tell or say, please, it is possible to do or make operation on an oncotomy inside of a backbone in its or his such status. Doctors that insist on urgent operation speak, that while it is possible to manage himeoterapiej.

Berzoj A.A.
27.05.2004, 05:42
Operation is spent (in such situation) for bracing a backbone and prevention of fracture and a full paralysis. Therefore if offer operation and there are no other reasons of rise in temperature (an infection?), likely it is meaningful to agree.
About treatment, unfortunately, speeches do not go.

The doctor-oncologist.
30.05.2004, 13:37
If yours vrach-the oncologist, having estimated or appreciated a situation, speaks about urgent operation - it is not necessary to reflect, necessary to agree. Otherwise precious time will leave, and a paresis any more will not restore. Operation " Dekompressionnaja ljaminektomija " in the big percent or interest of cases allows to avoid a paresis. Temperature reaction can be connected also with the tumour, and is not connected in any way with those tablets which are accepted by your father (-visible, it is a question of Dexamethazonum or Prednisolonum). The effect of operation can be added by radial therapy on a vertebra, wearing of a special corset with iron ribs, and also introduction bisfosfonatov.