Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! At me on a bone of a clavicle one week ago has appeared small...

29.05.2004, 23:42
The dear doctor! At me on a bone of a clavicle one week ago has appeared small shishka. After issedovanija its or her fingers she began to hurt or be ill;be sick sometimes (a pain small, type of a burning sensation). SHishka will a little mix concerning a bone and non-uniform, consisting as though and neskolkija parts. Whether there can be it chto-nibut oncologic?
In advance thanks for the answer.

Gusman M.A.
30.05.2004, 07:26
Most likely it is inflamed limfouzelju it is necessary to seem to the surgeon or the therapist and to pass or take place course of treatment by antibiotics.