Просмотр полной версии : Skazhite, pozhaluista, gde v Moskve luchshe vsego udalit rodinku (na linii...

26.05.2004, 16:12
Skazhite, pozhaluista, gde v Moskve luchshe vsego udalit rodinku (na linii bikini i postoyanno razdrazhaetsya iz za etogo). Nado li platit za takuu operaziu esli u menya podmoskovnaya strahovka?
Ya pravilno ponimau, chto luchshe udalyat issecheniem i otdat potom na biopsiu?
Spasibo Vam zaranee.

Rabaev G.G.
28.05.2004, 00:51
Where to delete there is no basic difference, procedure is not complex or difficult. Excising or coretraction can be made by a loop of the radiowave apparatus that will give good cosmetic effect and will not prevent to investigate or research to histologists a preparation. Under the insurance you can address in a district clinic. If you have a policy Additional honey. Insurances, in the centers with which your insurance company has a contract. In other cases service paid.