Просмотр полной версии : Dear doctor Rabaev. Pay attention to my report from May, 31st 2002...

Hope, 45 years
06.05.2004, 06:03
Dear doctor Rabaev. Pay attention to my report from May, 31st 2002. Also give please the reference on my problem. " After complex treatment in occasion of disease of a mammary gland (radial therapy, operation, a chemotherapy), me reception of Tamoxifenum in a dose of 20 mg (on 10 2 times a day) for the period of 3 years is appointed or nominated. Now a climacteric (earlier to me 6 nyxes omnadrena after which there has come or stepped a menopause have been appointed or nominated. The doctor, please answer questions interesting me: 1) What term of reception is considered optimum and whether it is possible to do or make breaks between receptions? 2) can be side effects and in what they are shown? I heard, that reception of Tamoxifenum can cause or call a cancer of a uterus. 3) whether it is possible to replace with a phytotherapy this preparation? " In advance to you it is grateful.

Rabaev G.G.
07.05.2004, 19:48
1 Uniform scheme or plan is not present, usually the preparation is accepted 2 h by year cycles with 3 6 monthly breaks, or is continuous before occurrence of attributes of advance.
2 At a preparation wide enough spectrum of the by-effects, one of the most serious is rising risk of occurrence of a hysterocarcinoma, but a positive effect of a preparation is non-comparable above. Also it is necessary to note other positive effects of a preparation, as prevention of an osteoporosis and negative consequences of castration on serdechno-vascular system.
3 Is not present, effective replacement in a phytotherapy does not exist, an another matter, that under the decision of the attending physician, the preparation can be replaced on blockers of an aromatase (Arimideks, Femara) - often leaves these preparations on the second line of hormonal therapy.