Просмотр полной версии : URGENTLY!!! Help or assist to establish or install the diagnosis!!!

10.10.2006, 23:00
Good afternoon. My brother call Sergey. (Exactly Ukraine) to Him of 20 years, body height of 176 sm, weight 78. He studies at university (works in the summer). In October of the last year to him was serious to open eyes, we have addressed to the neurologist and to us have appointed or nominated to make UES, but any changes in a head have not found out. He accepted obezbalivajushchy a powder "Nimesil", tablets "Oksibral" and vitamins "Energin". In some days of a pain have passed or have taken place.
In June of this year he has felt delicacy in the right arm or hand and the right leg or foot and to him has a little bit warped a mouth. We 03.07 have again addressed to nevropotologu and to us have told or said to make MRT and KT. Us have directed to Kiev with the diagnosis volumetric process of a brain . In Kiev we have repeatedly made MRT and here the description of a -resonant tomography of a brain before i.v. introduction kontrasnogo substances (20 "Omniskana"); On series MR of tomograms of a brain in a projection of a cortex and white substance of the left -temporoparietal area the extensive non-uniform center hyperintensive on 2 is defined or determined the wrong form without precise contours and is moderate gipointensivnogo on 1 MR a signal in the sizes 9,68,56,0. The center extends in temporally-subcortical area and a leg or pinch of a brain at the left, and also in area of back departments of a trunk and a thickening of a corpus collosum, increasing or enlarging them in volume. A body, back and bottom horns of the left lateral ventricle kompremirovany. Educations of an average line are displaced to the right up to 0,3. Ventricles of a brain on other extent in sizes are not changed. Optic nerves, hiazma, a pituitary body, educations ZCHJA without features. After i.v. introduction of a contrast preparation sites of its or his accumulation in conditional diameter from 0,3 up to 2,0 sm are marked or celebrated in the field of a thickening of a corpus collosum, and also in the left is temporal-subcortical area.
In the right genyantrum the cyst in conditional diameter up to 2,2 see the Pneumatization of adnexal or additional sinuses of a nose on other extent is defined or determined is not broken or disturbed.
The conclusion: MR Attributes in/m t-r with infiltrativnym character of body height (a cerebral gliomatosis?).
14.08.06 have made one more MRT and : process of the left frontally-temporoparietal area with diffusion to area of a thickening of a corpus collosum (an anaplastic astrocytoma?).
In Kiev 15.08.06 in institute of neurosurgery im.akad. A.P.Romodanova to him have made a biopsy "STB" (on the analysis took a tissue from three places). And to us have told or said that the tumour at it or him is not present. To us have suggested to make a puncture of a spinal cord on the analysis of presence of a virus in an organism, and also to hand over a blood on immunologic research. As a result of the made analyses to us have told or said that no viruses at it or him are present.
Us have sent home and have told or said to accept tablets "prednizilon" and "Klaritidin". We have decided to consult in the neuropathologist and she to us has told or said shto if there is no tumour that it there can be "multiple sclerosis". The brother have put in hospital and have appointed or nominated course of treatment:
I.v. ??O-Medrolum 1-3 day in/m ??O-Medrolum 40
I.v. the Immunoglobulin 50-3 day in/m Oframaks 1,0
I.v. Attracts in/m Atselizin
I.v. a L-lysine in/m Milgama
I.v. Reosorbilakt in/m the Immunoglobulin
In/m Furasemid

After the first days of reception of medicines the brother has a little bit felt simplification in an arm or a hand and a leg or foot. But in a week it or he had an attack, he has lost consciousness for three minutes. In some days after that at it or him speech (he knows words but cannot tell or say them) has worsened. To us have appointed or nominated to accept tablets "Depakinum". But at it or him mini-attacks (he does not lose consciousness but in a mouth it or he has a bitter taste as well as for the first time) proceed.
Its or His status became worse also we 25.09.06 have made one more MRT, and in Kiev to us have told or said that it or he does not have any "multiple sclerosis" and have diagnosed; a cerebral gliomatosis. Also recommended through 4. Repeated MRT.
Have appointed or nominated treatment, tablets Veroshpiron 25-1 in the morning, 2 times a week.
To the brother every day will melt all worse and worse, to him again hardly to open eyes and the head hurts, with an arm or a hand and a leg or foot too is worse.

Such analyses of a blood have been made still:

DEPARTMENT nejroimmunologii,

Date 22.08.06

Leucocytes 5,2 (4-810)
ZO 30-36 % 1560 2000 yo 240
t- (-3) 50,2 56-65 % 783 1320 170
-- (-4) 29,7 25-35 % 463 680 yo 90
-- (-8) 21,8 22-26 % 340 520 yo 60
Immuno 1,4 1,2-1,4
In-lymphocytes (-20) 11,5 8-10 % 179 170 yo 20
N- (-16) 11,7 17-20 % 183 360 50

Spontaneous proliferation.. 4.... (0-2 %)
T mitogen (FGA) priferatsija... 49. (55-65 %)
prostaglandinzavisimaja a proliferation (+) 59 (65-75, %)
In mitogen (dextran-Zinci sulfas) a proliferation 68 (30-45 %)

Spontaneous cytotoxicity mononuklearov.. 30
Anshtelozavisimaja tsntotoksichnost mononuklearov.. 18

Spontaneous... 262,5.
Induced (zymosan) .81,0
activity of neutrophils.. 61 (35-55 %)

Circulating immune complexes (Central Electoral Committee) .205............
Autoantigen (OBM) indutsprovannaja a proliferation in RBTL .8 (0-3 %)..
Sensibilpzaiija neutrophils an albumin 5 (5-10 %)
To nejrospetsificheskim about fibers....... OBM 11 (5-7 %)
NSE 6 (3-6 %)
Level of autoantibodies to OBM (?oa-METHOD) 40,5 (26,051,5)

And also is in an electron variant (with any programmkoj) MRT heads made 25.09.2006.: http: // rapidshare.de/files/36247396/MRT.ZIP (25Mb)

Help or Assist to establish or install the diagnosis please? Whether it is Correctly diagnosed the brother? Whether it Gives in to treatment? There can be at it or him that that another? What inspection still can be made?
Prompt where still it is possible to address with danoj a problem (in what city, the country)?

Zaranie it is grateful!

14.10.2006, 20:54
Unfortunately, I had problems with opening pictures MRT. If could you send me the scanned pictures by e-mail.

15.10.2006, 13:46
If you have downloaded normally archive it or him it is necessary rasspakovat about slow motions, and to start a file .exe, then there automatically to be started the program and a file with pictures. To us so distances in unit MRT, I do not know as correctly to separate therefrom pictures in the form of pictures, and I do not know what omenno are necessary, therefore have sent together with the program. I do not have on these arms or hand rasspechatanyh pictures, only electron variant. I do not know yours el. Addresses. My coordinates: nado@bk.ru , or ICQ: 271-753-900. I so understand, about slow motions have already removed a file if who can than to help or assist, consult that, address on el.adres or asku, at any moment I shall send once again pictures with the program

15.10.2006, 20:27
My electron address: nevrolog@ya.ru