Просмотр полной версии : Hypersensibility of fingers

07.12.2004, 08:18
At whom-string happens such, what any thing because of its or her surface to take in arms or hand it is impossible? At once murashki on a body, as from tsarapanija glasses or a chalk on a board. And in general it is terribly unpleasant to hold in arms or hand.

Especially any paper and cardboard surfaces concerns or touches - cigarettes, paper stakanchikov, simply papers.

And this hren the periods.

CHe this or thus such and how with these or it;this to struggle?

Has bothered

25.12.2004, 23:01
Especially any paper and cardboard surfaces concerns or touches - cigarettes, paper stakanchikov, simply papers.

Probably to a teeth gives? If yes, with the neuropathologist consult.

28.01.2005, 02:38
Not, to a teeth does not give.. But when a shiver on a body and when here it is simply impossible to hold - so unpleasantly

16.02.2005, 15:13
, At me too happens. Especially I hate such synthetic synthetics, jackets such happen, an arm or a hand on her provozhish with singing... brrr. At me at once sensation peresohshlej skins on arms or hand. Or still a nightmare - a wet umbrella or parasol... How to struggle I do not know, simply I try to avoid physical contact with such uzhastjami... I Suspect, that, probably, it is any neurology

03.03.2005, 21:49
At my sister of other sort a problem. She, when shortly shears fingernails or nails, cannot take anything arms or hand at all. Speaks, that sensation terribly opposite.

And I do not like, when arms or hand adjoin to a flour or torment, very vile sensation. And it that I adore the furnace. The kitchen combine to the aid comes.

13.03.2005, 12:09
Yes-yes.. A wet umbrella or parasol..

And with suede such nonsense

Interestingly, it about something speaks by way of health/nerves or simply such feature?

22.03.2005, 19:10
That only does not happen. And me know from what kolbasit? It is difficult to explain, but during lask when I am strongly raised or excited, me from any contact as though a current stitches inside. And it not an orgasm! Unpleasant sensations as though inside of a trunk somewhere in district of scapulas turn a spoke. Brrrr. Well that seldom happens

The fly
20.04.2005, 10:10
Never about such follies heard

I know many frogs and worms cannot touch or tamper with, but that a paper or a flour or torment it chtoto very bizarre

14.05.2005, 08:46
And I as shall think, (-even I can not write) that varezhku or a glove teeth to remove or take off (well there, in the childhood on a hill for example) me already in a shiver throws. All to write I can not at all.....

12.06.2005, 15:23

Yes-yes.. A wet umbrella or parasol..

In my family this my kink is known for all, at us even in a course the collective name "zontjatina" - about to what I hate to touch.

Or simply such feature?

I do not know, I am afraid, that nevertheless nerves.

Though... At me the skin of arms or hand is very inclined to drying, thus it or her very oppositely pulls together - can, with it or this is somehow connected. And at you too a dry skin on arms or hand?

23.06.2005, 10:23
Yes vrod not so dry..

This sensation on ends of fingers

I do not know, I am afraid, that nevertheless nerves

Tried to trace, in what moenty such occurs or happens - couples has not revealed any law

Figs knows.. Can and from nerves

And, it is far not always, and happens will roll and it is impossible to hold for example, a paper glass. It is necessary to wrap up or wrap something problemless for a taction.. Once so nehilo has surprised the friend from whom have gone or send in makdonalds

06.07.2005, 13:55
And I as shall think, (-even I can not write) that varezhku or a glove teeth to remove or take off (well there, in the childhood on a hill for example) me already in a shiver throws. All to write I can not at all.....

Well here. And I at this time of night it prochla. And at me the same chicken-feed.

And for me fingernails or nails to saw - a nightmare, and more worse if the varnish is washed off not by me, but someone another.

Elena Jurevna
11.07.2005, 21:16
It is far not always, and happens will roll and it is impossible to hold for example, a paper glass. It is necessary to wrap up or wrap something problemless for a taction..

And on me rolls, that I from them cannot drink, for the same reason. And suddenly with a teeth I shall touch, brr...

Time here by night of nasty thing tell, I tozh shall share. Manicure apparatus. Nikada did not try or taste? To the Friend a set have presented, well I and have tried or tasted this drill on a fingernail. Hardly in a syncope has not crashed down.

And now give how it is pleasant to drink kissel with komkami or to find out penku in milk already when it fse in already mouth.

23.07.2005, 08:38
And at me - bolonevaja a "rustling" tissue

And the old general or common tetradki with a plastic rough cover in fine rombik

Well and when someone saws fingernails or nails or as a file works.

02.08.2005, 13:29
And now give how it is pleasant to drink kissel with komkami or to find out penku in milk already when it fse in already mouth.

I can advise up to a heap masks -collagenic. tozh a pleasant bagatelle!

Nikada did not try or taste?

Not, did not try or taste

Here, by the way, to pileniju fingernails or nails in due course has got used. At dawn prodelyvanija this procedure hardly maintained a shiver, and shchas - in general any unpleasant sensations)

04.08.2005, 18:40
In my opinion, it is time to pass to fairy tales about red maculae which at night fseh throttled...

05.08.2005, 15:28
And at me same with matchboxes sovkogogo type. I hate, and to me their aunt specially buys and brings in the house, speaks that at me eternally matches are not present.... So I there and then also throw out them))) Only a lighter always I use.

And stakanchiki such too I do not like, and still covers polyethylene dense such for books as tanshe at school were. And more nenavidu dermantin there everyone... And an artificial skin. Yes is all unpleasant much.

I think it with psychology it is connected both with associations and basically from the childhood.

It is necessary to practise probably and to think during this moment of something pleasant, a feather that how to take in arms or hand such thing, instead of subconsciously to wait for unpleasant reaction. And it is better to try to not think at all of it or this.)))

05.08.2005, 18:20
I cannot touch polyfoam. Already from one idea it became bad...

06.08.2005, 00:05
I read and gasp.

I too was very acutely experience tactile impressions - but they generally pleasant.

Especially any paper and cardboard surfaces concerns or touches

I so like to stroke a paper...

I do not like, when arms or hand adjoin to a flour or torment, very vile sensation.

I adore to start fingers in a flour or torment. Such meditative sensation... Directly all would get into a bag and moved quietly to feel better.

As though inside of a trunk somewhere in district of scapulas turn a spoke.

In my opinion, I precisely know, that you mean, you very successfully have described it, only at me it lasts already from a loin. I adore this feeling, it is awfully a pity, that it is connected at me with the certain type of emotions and happens seldom.

In general, it is interesting, that strong emotions, let and with a different sign, are caused or cause approximately by the same sensations.