Просмотр полной версии : How still or even to treat Distsirkuljatornuju an encephalopathy of 2 degrees??

Zorin Oleg
04.03.2005, 22:34

At me to you the request, please, advise than to me to be treated, since

I am tired from headaches, a ring in ears, and now also have increased awful

Giddinesses up to a nausea. In our hospital to me have diagnosed:

*quot; Distsirkuljatornaja an encephalopathy of II-th degree, item intracranial

Hypertensias, item of a decompensation, an average degree of gravity on a background

Cervical osteochondrosis -3 - ?-5*quot;. All medicines what advise me

Our doctors, I accept, at me already from them the intestine does not maintain,

Awful pains in itself (coloenteritis). I was born and have grown in East

Kazakhstan, at that time when there there were explosions on range, now to me

Distances *quot; ?OaoO*quot;, that I have received a dose of radiation from 7.0 up to 35.0 BER.

I can really estimate or appreciate the status, to a panic I shall not rush, if

Something also will appear serious.

In advance Many thanks to all responded!

With uvzheniem, Valentine.

22.04.2005, 11:57
nerjungri. It, apparently, Yakutia? You have an opportunity is treated in Yakutsk? Communicate with me by e-mail.

26.04.2005, 01:56
Has written. The answer is not present..

05.05.2005, 12:51
Dear Dimmx!

You have written to me: *quot; Opportunities to be treated in Yakutsk now for the financial reasons are not present, there and to not get, there only *quot; ?o?O*quot; treat: (((, and desires special are not present to make the way there ?aO??*quot;.

Unfortunately, I could not, in this case, to you be responded.

Your attending physician can can is more developed or unwrapped to formulate the questions connected with your status?

18.05.2005, 05:32
In detail describe character of headaches.

31.05.2005, 02:22
Unfortunately, now she daily, with a ring in ears, especially difficultly

In the mornings, will power after razgryzannyh only suffices several pieces

*quot; uN?a?yu??a*quot;, happens will release or let off for some time, and then suddenly on

Accrueing or Increasing starts to hurt or be ill;be sick, but a pain not necessarily in one place,

Can be simultaneously both in a temple and in a nape, and on a vertex, if this

The pain to not hammer Benalginom then becomes intolerable then and

Benalgin, and Baralginum in injections, and Ketanov any more do not help or assist, and then

Giddinesses even begin at turn of a head, at blinking I lose

Orientation also I catch to not fall, for subjects being series,

And when I lay down - in opinion of *quot; all NONoOa??oaNO?n*quot; and so toshnit

Begins. On cervical vertebra or vertebrae I, unfortunately, cannot spend

fiziolechenie, since alas, to mine *quot; iONOO*quot; it is added also *quot; a struma

oa???O*quot;, it seems so he correctly is called..

01.06.2005, 01:45
It is assured, that the neuropathologist will give more reasonable references, and here to the endocrinologist, probably. It will be possible to specify a problem with struma Hashimoto and by that or to take out a little tsvetkov from YOUR bouquet, or to put a bouquet in a suitable vase..

First of all - and whether there is a struma - i.e. what volume of a thyroid gland? The second - and how the gland works, t.e what TTG?

02.06.2005, 14:18
Apply Thuya 3 on 3-5 grains on reception 3 times a day.

Yakimov Vladimir
02.06.2005, 14:19
It is published: Gromoboy

Apply Thuya 3 on 3-5 grains on reception 3 times a day.

Thanks, I shall try to find in drugstores!

2 - I do not know, in our city such inspection do not spend: (

02.06.2005, 14:20
Struma Hashimoto is a hypothyrosis with a struma. The hypothyrosis is a status which without adequate treatment damages or injures practically all organs, and at normal treatment in effect is a way of life.

Without control TTG it is impossible to solve. adkvatno or inadequately treat a hypothyrosis, in cases of boundary augmentation of a gland it is impossible to define or determine, eat a struma without US or not.

M.b., to begin normal inspection?

02.06.2005, 14:21
Thanks, probably it is necessary to go to other city on inspection as soon as I shall save up or I shall collect for such trip 8)

For example to Novosibirsk - probably there is where to be surveyed, I yet do not know where and where there to address.

Well and in our city such do not do or make, and in general one castor oil and an iodine:)

Tatyana To.
02.06.2005, 14:22
It is published: Dimmx

Thanks, I shall try to find in drugstores!

Search in homeopathic drugstores.

02.06.2005, 14:23
You speak, what your headaches connect or bind with OHZ a cervical department and radiation? poporobujte following course of treatment: Tanakanum 1 tabletkka 3 times a day during meal 1 month, In-complex multitabs 1 3 times a day after meal 1 month, belospon 1 t abletka 3 times a day after meal 1 month, betaserk 1 tablet 3 times a day after meal 1 month, a course of a postisometric relaxation.