Просмотр полной версии : Preparation for surgery

11.04.2005, 00:27
Good afternoon, dear doctors. A question to the neurosurgeon and LORu.

Situation following. At me an adenoma of a pituitary body. The adenomectomy in scientific research institute of neurosurgery by it or him Burdenko was assumed transfenoidalnaja.

But after consultation in an out-patient department of scientific research institute hospitalization have postponed, tk there is a cyst with a transparent viscous or viscid liquid in the right adnexal or additional sinus of a nose (according to a roentgen and a diagnostic puncture). As to me have explained are an inflammatory process which should be cured.

It was necessary to leave home and to borrow or occupy in treatment. Has for the beginning made MRT sinuses. The conclusion: the Pneumatization of frontal sinuses is not broken or disturbed, cells of a trellised labyrinth is sharply lowered. The mucosa of the left basic sinus utolshchena, is hydropic. The right basic sinus is completely filled by contents with IS is non-uniform moderately raised or increased on 2 vz.iz., average on 1 vz.iz. In right gajmorovoj to a sinus on its or her bottom and top wall plural cysts of various diameter 7 up to 14 are visualized. In left gajmorovoj to a sinus on its or her bottom wall the multichamber cyst in the sizes 3119 is visualized. Total - etmoidit, plural cysts both gajmorovyh sinuses, hr.sfenoidit bilaterial.


1. How much or As far as it is serious? How long and what methods it is treated? The physiotherapy is not shown to me because of an adenoma, I am right?

2. What demands are shown by neurosurgeons to a status of sinuses of a nose? Whether it is necessary to delete cysts before the basic operation?

01.05.2005, 07:45
Good afternoon,

I shall dare to respond, only on *quot; neurosurgical ?a?Oy*quot; a question since it is assured or confident, that the colleague of an ENT will respond you to a question how to treat inflammatory changes in adnexal or additional sinuses.

As a matter of fact it is necessary for neurosurgeons, that adnexal or additional sinuses would be *quot; ???OU??*quot;, it means, that if there and there is a chronic inflammatory process (and under your description so it and is) on an extreme measure there was no active inflammatory exsudate. I.e. in sinuses can be utolshchena mucous, to be polyps, cysts, but there SHOULD not be a FREE LIQUID!!! And, besides there should not be other attributes of active inflammatory process (a fever, izmeneneija to the analysis of a blood, a hyperemia and an edema mucous a nose).

Yours faithfully,