Просмотр полной версии : C consequences -allergic mielopoliradikulonevrita, an atrophy spinno

sergeo Prague
19.12.2004, 11:24
The girl, 21 year.

The diagnosis: proof consequences -allergic mielopoliradikulonevrita, an atrophy of a spinal cord at level Th3-8.

In 1996 the temperature up to 41 has risen about. During a week kept. There were short-term losses of consciousness, pains in a thoracal department of a backbone.

In a week has come or stepped paralizatsija up to a thoracal department of a backbone. Took a puncture, the infection has not proved to be true. There was a 2-O-foreign pneumonia. Within a year accepted prednizalon. 2,5 months was on katetore. In 3 months has released or has let off the right leg or foot up to a knee. Left in half a year completely at once. In a year has learned to creep independently. In 2 years moved by means of people. Accepted Baclofenum, Mydocalmum, Pyracetamum, Vinpocetinum, did or made injections B1, B6, B12. Massage classical, LFK, stimulation ikronozhnyh muscles.

At present moves itself, at walking the right leg or foot describes a semicircle. Disturbance tazovyh functions periodically.

What prospects of full treatment or development of disease? What methods can be considered or examined;surveyed as the most effective? Medicamental treatment and what is how much shown? What it is necessary to do or make most?