Просмотр полной версии : Postcoma after CHMT

01.09.2004, 19:30
Hello! I Address to you for the help. The matter is that my nephew, to him 21 year, has received CHMT as a result of road accident. The craniotrypesis has been spent, hematomas it is not revealed, doctors have told or said, that they have removed aneurysms and that at it or him a strong edema of a brain (a brain on color of pink color). He was in a coma of 7 days after that began to open eyes, to fix a view, from the moment of reception CHMT has passed or has taken place 14 days. Advise to address to what medical literature to study or investigate a question of an akinetic mutism and tell or say, if it is possible or probable, during what time the postcoma will last.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Good afternoon, dear Doctor Zhivov, is glad to hear you!!!

If it is fair, I specially do not clean or remove *quot; ?aO?aOa?o*quot; (except for frankly terrible), proceeding from pritsipa diskussionnosti a site. On the other hand, always I try to state to patients *quot; a modern status Oi?N?U*quot;, and they let make a decision. It is no secret, what even after our internal consultations (and happens, even patients whom you operate in occasion of malignant tumours of a brain), sick (relatives) go to alternative medicine (she on actually more attractively). Look or see from the patient: I speak the daddy/mum of the child with medulloj - treatment serious, kompreksnoe with risks, etc., etc. (surgery, radial + PHT), and the forecast - 65-70 % 5-years survival rate. They - *quot; so he that, will die??? *quot;, I - *quot; yes most likely, your child will die of this tumour... *quot; and t.d..... I shall not be further. Well on operation, they still agree, since see gravity of a status, and here after operation..... boligolov to drink where it is more pleasant, than Vincristinum....

It is all lyrics....

As to a question - in general an output or exit from a coma for 14 day are a good prognostic attribute (biologically). And here that bosh, which to you doctors have told or said (especially about excision aneurysms) is bad (most likely at the patient the serious bruise of a brain). Approximately 40 % at you are, that the guy will get out (more likely despite of doctors). The risk of an output or exit only up to the vegetative status is very high. Practical advice or council only one - search for clinic (as much as possible close from you) where treat similar patients in a plenty (any mezhoblastonoj the traumatology or traumatologic center). Self-education here will not help or assist.

The real chance of an output or exit from a coma gives application Arniki 3 H.

Perhaps, I do not know.... But precisely I know, that the patient in a coma (GCS *lt; 7) is longer pair hours without ICU on arnike will not stretch...

Yours faithfully,

01.09.2004, 19:30
It is published: kuszel

Perhaps, I do not know.... But precisely I know, that the patient in a coma (GCS *lt; 7) is longer pair hours without ICU on arnike will not stretch...

Yours faithfully, [/B]

Speech does not go about, that *quot; oUOa?Oy*quot; the patient from reanimation to hide in own closet and there *quot; ?N??Oy*quot; (anybody also did not call for it or this). But in fact there are no objections against to appoint or nominate Arniku directly in conditions of reanimation, on a background of spent traditional treatment.

01.09.2004, 19:30
But in fact there are no objections against to appoint or nominate Arniku directly in conditions of reanimation, on a background of spent traditional treatment.

Here at them at armo-piercing gromobojnyh all and is done or made - *quot; on a background traditional ?N?N??n*quot;. And if the patient recovers, in fact this guy will tell or say, that the homeopathy has helped or assisted him. And if will not cope - traditsionshchiki are guilty, a picture have greased, badly treated, etc. Itself this loud to itself would not result or bring in the God in reanimation obviously would not wish on one arnike from a coma to leave. Traditional treatment in fact obviously would not disdain. Here at them homeopathists (when it is a question of them) brains at once start to think correctly. muhlu in serious situations they as a rule reserve the only for others. It observed many times.

01.09.2004, 19:30
I address to a moderator of the given discussion:

It not seems or seems-whether to you, what rudeness of some participants of a forum exceeds reasonable limits? However, a question rhetorical:).

01.09.2004, 19:30
From all of friend Pozner and Plama.

Inspection for 7 day the truth with a -ischemic coma. On a trauma of statistics at me is not present.

Spontaneous opening of eyes if is not present that of 100 % absence vostanovlenija if there are 58 % is absent vostanovlenie, 42% neurologic defect, 0% vostanovlenie.

It under condition of if has acted or arrived without wandering consensual movement of eyes. If it was that performance of instructions for 7 day of 6 % absence vostanovlenie, 22 % serious nevrolog.defekt, 72% vostanovlenie.

PS: And dispute is silly everyone in something believes. Though I agree with Zhivovim still well here urine do not suggest to treat.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Unfortunately, it is costs *quot; freedom ??oa*quot;.

Other variant - I can poteret your advice or councils, together with reaction of Dr. Zhivova (to tell the truth, me it or him t.z. Much more close).

Simply so remains places without *quot a little; verticals o?a?O?*quot;, that I very much would not like to be engaged *quot; ?nNO?Ooa??N?*quot;:)

Yours faithfully to all participants of this forum

01.09.2004, 19:30
Thanks all participants of discussion! The Guy has left today the vegetative status, has started to talk today, the truth is strongly obscenely expressed, but I hope it will pass or take place. While he was in a coma at it or him the daughter, her 10 days was born, today he saw it or her and very much was delighted, has embraced it or her, has kissed, I hope, that after happened all will be good also he will be the high-grade person. Once again I thank all!