Просмотр полной версии : What reasons of acting arteries and veins on arms or hand

01.09.2004, 19:30
Do not prompt from for what it:

http: // izbranoe.narod.ru/Ruka.jpg

01.09.2004, 19:30
And from what you have taken, what is it an artery?

01.09.2004, 19:30
And from what you have taken, what is it an artery?

To move, pulses. To the touch soft. It on 2 arms or hand on one is less, on right it is more. As veins make the way. It in current of last year has started to be shown and narostaet.

There were numbnesses after a dream 4 years ago, then 3 years ago began to sleep on an orthopedic pillow, numbnesses have passed or have taken place. It can indemnification of a blood flow or an arteriosclerosis or an aneurysm? Doctors put kompressionno ischemic tonelnyj a syndrome of ulnar joints 2,5 years. Then still nothing stuck out or evaginated. Now from for what it do not speak. I as here wrote that about it or this, to me too anything plainly have not told or said. To me of 39 years.

Dopplerografija necks: the Carotid a blood flow sufficient, Vnutrennjajaja somnolent a blood flow sufficient, Srednemozgovaja an artery: LEK 55-56 Ih-067 Perednemozgovaja: LEK 52-53 Ih-067 PSA + pozvonochnaja artery D*lt; KA up to 30 % ASR work weakly Assay with turn of a head: there is no inflow of a blood. Vertebo basilar pool V3 D*lt; L on the right krov nestab KA up to 40 % the Basic artery Lek 26 Zadnemozgovye LEK 48-42 Ih-068 Duplex scanning of a neck left pozvonochnoj arteries in kos the channel gradient LS to the left of v, kv3 = 0.50 - *gt; 0.26 m./. Rengen necks: skalioz

MRT a cervical department:

On series MR of tomograms weighed on 1 and 2 in two projections the lordosis is saved. The height of intervertebral disks of an investigated or a researched zone is saved, signals from them on 2 VI are lowered. The hernia of disk Th1/Th2 extending in intervertebral apertures from both parties or sides with a compression of roots from both parties or sides, by the size up to 0,3 see Dorzalnye protrusions of disks 3-7 partially extending in intervertebral apertures from both parties or sides is defined or determined back difuzna. The lumen of the spinal channel usual, a spinal cord strukturen, a signal from it or him (on 1 and 2) is not changed. The form and the sizes of bodies of vertebra or vertebrae usual, the signal from an osteal brain is not changed.

The conclusion: MR a picture of degenerate or degenerative changes cervical and verhnegrudnogo departments of a backbone, oslozhnenyh gryzheobrazovaniem (Th1 and Th2)


At carrying out stimuljatsionnyh probsnizheny rates of carrying out on sensitive n.ulnaris from both parties or sides. At stimulation impellent n.ulnaris rates of carrying out within the limits of norm or rate, but it is marked or celebrated uvelechenie latetnyh the periods of a F-wave.

The conclusion: the Revealed changes specify suffering of ulnar nerves (below othozhdenija a medial nerve of a forearm) from both parties or sides. Kompressionno ishemmicheskaja tunelnaja a neuropathy of ulnar nerves from 2 parties or sides.

Blood: a prothrombin 95, Saccharum 5,2 cholesterin 4,5 LPVP 0.9 triglitsidy 1,1 gomotsestin 5,5

I can not wear serious, arms or hand hurt. There are periodic prickings in district of a biceps, pohrustyvanija in a backbone at tap or removal of arms or hand back. I do not drink, I smoke unfortunately. Job, the machine or car or a computer for 12 hours per day.

01.09.2004, 19:30
So anybody of anything also will not tell or say?

Madam the Pain
01.09.2004, 19:30
It is less elbows on a table put. Compression nejropatija ulnar nerves (meanwhile subclinical) can be connected with the constant injuring factor (probably, considering your trade, statement of elbows on a table).

01.09.2004, 19:30
Not ridiculously

01.09.2004, 19:30
It not ridiculously is really so.