Просмотр полной версии : Adenoma of a pituitary body

01.09.2004, 19:30
Hello! Dear doctors, prompt, please. To me of 30 years. About five years I am am pursued with headaches. First they were slabovyrazhennye and rare or infrequent enough, therefore special trouble did not cause or cause. Were localized in-core or -basic;-basically from the left party or side: a neck-nape-temple-forehead and the left eye, as-as if pressing from within. Then I have addressed to the neurologist, to me have spent EEG and have diagnosed: VSD, have appointed or nominated treatment: Cavintonum and pirotsetam (I can be mistaken in nazvanijah-for a long time it was) .polechilsja I these preparations , through any time hurt again began to bother, I have gone to the neurologist and he to me has told or said, that VSD it for ever and it is necessary to accept these preparations hardly-whether not constantly, and if is strong zabolit to accept an analgetic!

It is more I to drink these tablets did not become or begin, and to morbid these phenomena has got used that-whether , wrote off or copied them on stresses, nedosypanija and weariness and when strongly pressed really accepted analgetics. Approximately about half a year hurt back began to amplify, if earlier it there was such blunt monotonous pressing tiresome pain now there was short-term but very strong and sharp pain as an attack any. He begins suddenly, the pain arises in-core or -basic;-basically in a neck and therefrom as spreads in the left part of a nape, a temple, the left ear, the left eye and a forehead, thus reduces a teeth as from ice water and an eye blink and is strong slezjatsja. Such status about one minute lasts, during this moment I cannot do or make anything if I cost or stand it is necessary for something will grasp, the status as-as if the ground leaves from under legs or foots, but I am in consciousness, all I see and I hear; and after that there is nojushchaja a constant pain in a head and in a neck for all day. From analgetics helps or assists is better Ibufrofenum. Neck smeared with diclofenac.

I have gone again to the neurologist, she has examined me, has written out Diacarbum, Indomethacinum and Zinci sulfas of a magnesium intravenously (I of anything to accept did not become) and has directed on inspections and to the ophthalmologist. The ophthalmologist looked an eyeground, has told or said, that all within the limits of norm or rate, but visual acuity has fallen up to 0,7-0,8, and the right eye-myopia, and left-hyperopia. Have made a roentgen of a skull, then aim pictures of a turkish saddle and here have found the Turkish saddle uvelich. In sizes, structure or frame parotichnaja, the bottom or fundus of the HARDWARE is pressed through downwards with decrease of volume klinovidn. Sinuses, a backrest consists of separate fragments/n??OOO?n / (an extract from the roentgenologist) Have directed on KT.

I have gone on consultation to the neurosurgeon to Chelyabinsk, he has told or said, that instead of KT it is better to make MRT. Yesterday I have made MRT (in 2 weeks the turn), today was received with the answer: On a series of ?O-tomograms of a brain in 1 and 2 regimens in axial saggitalnoj and coronary projections median structures or frames are not displaced. The system of ventricles and tanks are not expanded, subarachnoid spaces are slightly non-uniformly expanded. Stvolovye structures or frames are not displaced. The pituitary body is increased in sizes due to additional education of the spherical form, the sizes 34.1 21.3 19.6 mm with precise equal contours, non-uniform structure or frame, without the expressed perifocal infiltration. The top pole moderately deploys voronku upwards. Hiazma it is not pushed aside. The bottom pole prolabiruet the basic sinus. The bottom or fundus 3 ventricles is not expanded. Supraselljarnye tanks are a little bit narrowed. SHishkovidnaja the gland is not increased, the structure or frame is not changed. Mindaliki a cerebellum in BZO not prolabirujut. Inflammatory changes it is not defined or determined. The conclusion: ?O-attributes of an adenoma of a pituitary body with ekstraselljarnym body height (suprainfraselljarno).:eek: Now here I do not know what to do or make? I in full rasterennosti , and the doctor have gone on leave

In addition still I wish to inform, that for 8 years of home life I have typed or collected of 25 kg in weight., from them 6. Lately it is very fast. To 13 years has transferred or carried primary disease by herpes and gerpetichnym a keratitis, since then relapses on the left century or blepharon and in current of 8 years relapses of genital herpes. Except for that: has appeared much rodinok and warts on a body, the sexual inclination and a potency has decreased; there was a raised or an increased sweating and greasiness of glands especially heads and necks, at sharp turns of a head the neck crackles. Now I conduct practically sedentary way of life (job on a computer).

What to me to do or make, and whether operation is necessary? At me two children. (4,5 years and 6 months) whether Are passed it by right of succession? In advance many thanks! Alexey.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear Alexey!

First of all it is necessary to understand, that your adenoma cosecretes; after that treatment will be appointed or nominated. You need to address to the endocrinologist, he will appoint or nominate the further inspection.

vera bogdanova
01.09.2004, 19:30
Alex, treatment of adenomas of a pituitary body (and effective treatment) are engaged neurosurgeons and endocrinologists Depending on a level of hormones (and from, whether they are developed or produced by a tumour) rasklad can be the following - medicines + operation, operation + medicines only medicines, operation + radial therapy + medicines. Glavnoe-all should not be postponed. Prolactinum, STG, IPRF 1, LG, FSG, a hydrocortisone in daily urine... If something cannot on meste-there is Moscow..

01.09.2004, 19:30
Olga Jurevna, Galina Afanasevna of many thanks for answers!

Next week I shall go to the endocrinologist and on analyses.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Alexey, at you is an opportunity to scan in high quality and to send your pictures MRT?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Hello, dear doctors. Has passed or Has taken place month since I have addressed to you for the help, for this time I have visited or attended many doctors and have handed over a heap of analyses.

I shall try to tell in detail.

Has handed over the general or common analysis of a blood, a cholesterin, Saccharum, a bilirubin, the analysis wet...:

Endocrinologists speak, that all within the limits of norm or rate (results, unfortunately are not present on arms or hand)

The conclusion of an electrocardiogram: prevalence el. Potentials of a left ventricle. The cardiologist has told or said, what is it no trouble, but it is necessary to watch or keep up pressure. Has got the device-watch or device-keep up.... Pressure 120-90....110-80.

The ophthalmologist: visual acuity the-left eye-1,0; right-0,7. An eyeground - DPN light pink, borders equal, precise, arteries are narrowed, veins are expanded, slightly izvity. Fields of vision - are not present abaissements, uniform narrowing.

The neurosurgeon has told or said, that operative treatment is necessary, but has directed to the endocrinologist on consultation in occasion of medicamental treatment.

Hormonal analyses:

Prolactinum *gt; 150 ng/ml. (norm or rate 2,5-17)

ACT (AKTG) 31,4 u/ml. (norm or rate 0-46)

GH (STG) 0,07 ng/ml. (norm or rate 0,06-5,0)

IG 1 54.5 ng/ml. (norm or rate for 30 years 117-329)

The endocrinologist has diagnosed *quot; O?aO???a*quot; also has appointed or nominated Dostineks on 1/2 tab. 2 times week and Diacarbum on 1 tab. Once a day fields of vision and a level of Prolactinum in a month and repeated MRT in 3 months.

Today I shall go to buy tablets..... Tell or Say please, whether there will be a sense from application of these preparations, razmerchik that at me not small....?

The endocrinologist advises in occasion of operation to address to Ekaterinburg in the Ural neurosurgical center, tell or say please who knows, that- good about this hospital.

Many thanks. Yours faithfully, Alexey.

01.09.2004, 19:30
The sense will be. The dose can be much greater, Diacarbum - more likely for an ornament istori illnesses or diseases.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Galina Afanasevna, thanks huge, you have given to my to hope!!!

Tell or Say please, what I should change in a way of life?

I mean: a diet, alcohol, playing sports; sedentary job behind a computer probably too is not good; and more: whether it is possible for me to do or make massage and to take a hot bath since somewhere read, that these procedures are inadmissible at tumours.

Many thanks. Alexey.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Do not read nonsenses for the night...