Просмотр полной версии : arahnoentsefalit? Help or Assist to understand

01.09.2004, 19:30
Zdrastvujte. Help or assist to understand with a problem.

The patient of 45 years. During a week hurted or was ill;was sick gripom. After normalization of temperature it was marked or celebrated astenizatsija. Gradually the status worsened, was gone apetit, there was a vomiting svjazanaja with reception of nutrition and at change of position of a body, "p'janaja" a gait, an easy or a light;a mild paresis of a facial nerve at the left, .

The patient was gospitalezirovana in a neurology unit with suspicion on arahnoentsefalit. Results of inspection: from internal organs full norm or rate; analyses of a blood also wet besides norm or rate. For the second day in a hospital there was subfibrilnaja a temperature in the evening, in the general or common analysis of a blood - 12 rods, the SOYA of 26 mm at an o'clock. On MRT an arachnoiditis konveksitalnoj surfaces (a back cranial fossa "quiet"!) . The ENT speaks about a paresis of a soft palate. A swallowing of peep without problems. On a spinal puncture norm or rate, at a repeated puncture in three days a cytosis (20 cells). On a background prijoma abaktala in \in ? \? 12 hours a body temperature were normalized, in the general or common analysis of a blood of inflammatory changes are not present. Treatment veroleksom 250 mg in \in ? \? 8 hours (the sixth day), abaktal (7 days), tsikloferon, Cerebrolysinum, Cerucalum, Haloperidolum (as antiemetic ? \? 12 hours), Prednisolonum on 30 mg ? \? 8 hours, Cavintonum was spent in \in. On a background of treatment the status neulutshaetsja, periodically arises a vomiting at change of position of a body and on prijom the nutrition, expressed ataktichesky with-thit, dezartrija.

It would be desirable to hear your opinion in this occasion. How to stop a vomiting? Why is not present though what nibut ulutshenija?

01.09.2004, 19:30
On clinic it is similar on stvolovoj an encephalitis. You could not publish full conclusion MRT and results of a spinal puncture? Due to what cells a cytosis?

Oncologic inspection was spent?

The little coward
01.09.2004, 19:30
Oncologic inspection was not spent.

Danye MRT: in a projection of frontotemporal shares of the phenomenon of insignificant augmentation of signal strength from environments on FLAIR vzveshenyh images. Median structures or frames without changes. Konveksitalnye spaces, shlunochki, tanks not rozshireny. White and grey substance of a brain without features.

The conclusion: MR the picture can speak about slightly expressed arachnoiditis.

Cytosis in a liquor due to lymphocytes. In the rest norm or rate

01.09.2004, 19:30
Well, it is similar to a virus meningocephalitis. Whether there are any opportunities laboratory by (PTSR) to identify a virus? And how much has passed or has taken place days from the beginning of disease?

01.09.2004, 19:30
To identify a virus an opportunity vprintsipe is, but ?to will borrow or occupy some days as a material will send to Kiev. And about duration of illness or disease: gripom hurted or was ill;was sick since March, 19th, the temperature was gone on March, 24-25th. Deterioration of health (the vomiting, a dysarthtia) on March, 28th and 30 is hospitalized

= =
01.09.2004, 19:30
Well in what the problem was at the woman? Have understood?

01.09.2004, 19:30
The diagnosis has proved to be true: stvolovoj postgripoznyj arahnoentsefalit. The patient has recovered. For today uderzhivaetsja easy or light;mild tetraparez, a dysarthtia, vestibulo- atksija. The truth psychiatric changes have started to be shown

01.09.2004, 19:30
ron, and it is possible more in detail about this case? On the basis of what analyses/inspections it has been established or installed precisely? Than treated? Or all too most, what has been specified by you in the first report?