Просмотр полной версии : Three meningitises at the child

The woman
01.09.2004, 19:30
My son Feodor was born on February, 18th, 2004 on 35-th week of pregnancy, but with normal weight - 3180. Doctors considered or counted its or his full-term. But the boy was weak, handles hung as nitochki, on an extract from a maternity home: a hypodynamia, a hyporeflexia, a diffusive or diffuse hypotension, adjusting krivosheja, a cerebral ischemia, a syndrome gipovozbudimosti.

By 4-th months did not hold a head, almost did not take in handles subjects, the head was on one side. After massage and employment or occupations with the trainer on navigation position has noticeably improved.

In 6 months there was a trauma of a head - has dropped out of a carriage. The neuropathologist has told or said, that at Fedi most likely a brain concussion since not at once has cried, there was a vomiting, on reception the head was thrown back, leaned or based on nosochki. Has appointed or nominated to us nejrosonografiju and survey of the oculist in 5 days. And nejrosonografija, and for 5 day concussions have not shown survey of an eyeground.

Only in 9 months Fedja has learned to sit, the back always was a wheel, most likely, because of weak muscles. Constantly were engaged in navigation, dived, held the breath for 10 seconds.

On December, 16th, 2004 Feodor (to him then was almost 10 mes) since 4 mornings temperaturil, there was a vomiting. Up to ushek did not allow to touch. Have addressed to LORu in an out-patient department, us have directed to a hospital. Therefrom on fast have taken away in infektsionku where already in reanimation have diagnosed the Purulent meningitis. He has lain in a coma of 3 weeks, the abscess H'M has started to be formed, all over again pricked Penicillinum, levomitsitin, then 11 days - tienam and Vancomycinum, on 7-th of January has left a coma, 10-th it or him have already translated or transferred in unit where 1,5 more months were rehabilitated. For this time did or made 3 tomograms - 2 of them even in reanimation.

Conclusion MRT from 21.12.04:

The center hemorrhagic propityvanija cortexes of the left frontal lobe with a perifocal edema. Expansion of a forward horn of the left lateral ventricle. Expansion of a subarachnoid space in frontotemporal area from both parties or sides and left Silvievoj clefts or rima. (the specified changes are displays of a -encephalitis). A bilateral average otitis.

Conclusion MRT from 03.01.05:

Displays of an encephalitis in the form of the center hemorrhagic propityvanija in a cortex of the left frontal lobe with a perifocal edema. Expansion of a subarachnoid space in frontally-parietotemporal area from both parties or sides. A dissymmetric internal hydrocephalus of an easy or a light;a mild degree. A right-hand average otitis, displays of a mastoiditis on the right. From the center in the left frontal lobe of visible negative dynamics or changes it is not revealed. The augmentation of the size of lateral ventricles pays attention.

Conclusion RKT from 27.01.05:

Site of cystically-cicatrical changes of the left frontal lobe, expansion konveksitalnyh clefts or rima of frontal lobes.

The diagnosis on an extract: a purulent -encephalitis of a pneumococcal etiology, the serious degree, complicated by an edema a swelling or turgescence of a brain, ORVI, rinofaringotraheit, IMS, not specified localization, normohromnaja an anemia of 1-st degree.

From myself I shall add, that as a result of this -encephalitis the child has completely become deaf.

At home we pobyli 2 months are equal. For this time Fedja even 10 days have lain in a hospital. The diagnosis on an extract: ORVI, a -obstructive syndrome, -1. A convalescent of a purulent -encephalitis, PPTSNS, a delay of psychomotor development. After that have made control MRT.

Conclusion MRT from 31.03.05: the Center of a cystic degeneration of the left frontal lobe with a diapedetic hemorrhage (subacute stalija). Attributes of a right-hand petrositis, a mastoiditis. In comparison with data MRT the positive dynamics or changes expressed in the organization of the center and decrease of a hematoma from 03.01.05 is defined or determined.

On April, 16th 2005, it is equal in 4 months, Fedja (to him already was 1 years and 2 months) has got in reanimation again with a pneumococcal meningitis, a serious degree of gravity. This time we did not begin to wait fast, on the to the machine or car have brought it or him to a hospital. In reanimations he next morning has come to consciousness, has lain there only 4 days, was restored much more quickly. In the beginning of May us have already written out. In June we have put him and two senior children vaccine 23.

In hospital the efflux or expiration of a liquid from a nose has begun. First noticed, that he wakes up on a wet small pillow. At home current has amplified, changed a diaper under a head at night. And then and began to notice in the afternoon, that from the right nostril constantly flows, and if will bend, and then a head lifts, directly separate droplets the liquid takes off. Have addressed to our neurologist. She has put us a liquorrhea. Has explained, that, on the one hand, intracranial pressure thus decreases, and on the other hand, these are the open hiluses for an infection. That clean or remove its or her or deep stypage (forgive or excuse, here I can be mistaken as records in a card of these or it are not present), or surgically, and she can and itself zarastyot. For next 5 months Fedja sometimes temperaturil, sometimes there was a vomiting, but as a whole all was good. It or he had greater or big problems with equilibrium, he could go only for the handle, and went very confidently, and itself at once was lost and fell. And here in the beginning of November in 1 year and 8 months has gone itself! And anything did not hurt any more. We with it or him were engaged at surdologa

23.11.05 was since morning temperature 39 which has brought down up to 37,5, a vomiting. It was not similar to the beginning of a meningitis since in those times temperature nothing got off. And suddenly the baby has ceased to breathe. It has appeared at it or him on a background 37,5 cramps have begun. And he everyone has been weakened as trjapochka, and jaws are densely compressed, a teeth gnashed the friend about the friend. Have caused or called fast, a teeth have unclenched, did or made artificial respiration and a cardiac massage. Fast went 35 minutes. Already in reanimobile on a way to reanimation heart has stopped. It or him could reanimate. Punktirovali. Again a pneumococcal meningitis. In reanimation he has lain 12 days. With 5-th till 23th December in a neurology unit. The most interesting, that likvorejnyj the fistula was closed in itself. We went with Fedej on consultation to the neurosurgeon prof. Krivoshapkinu A.A.it references were those: If I shall notice, that from a nose again flows, then will do or make RKT with contrasting to find out a fistula and it or him operatively to close, for now we can go home. On my question (the most important my question on which it would be desirable to receive the answer here again at this forum) WHY??? , he has responded, that here the third meningitis precisely from a liquorrhea.

And the first why? And the second? And the third can also? And how to me to live further what to make, to not be afraid of occurrence of the fourth? For us here the diagnosis have thought up the Chronic meningitis:)

And Fedenka as the Birdy-phoenix, has recovered, again itself has gone, runs on an apartment, to itself it is pleased. He such remarkable! As it would be desirable, that deafness was its or his unique sore!!

01.09.2004, 19:30
Cite more in detail data from extracts, without literary deviations. To me it is obscure, why a liquorrhea have left as is. What conclusion of neurosurgeons? LORa? What in the neurologic status (the description revealed by the neurologist at survey)?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Cite more in detail data from extracts, without literary deviations. To me it is obscure, why a liquorrhea have left as is. What conclusion of neurosurgeons? LORa? What in the neurologic status (the description revealed by the neurologist at survey)?

Liquorrhea have not left as is, after the third meningitis she prektratilas.

From an extract from December, 23-rdrd 2005:

The neurologic status: at postupleniii - honey depression of consciousness, in dynamics or changes in process of narostanija a level of consciousness - occurrence pravostor. A hemiparesis, meningialnyh signs. In unit - CHMN an anisocoria (forgive or excuse, it is illegibly written), S*gt; =D, an easy or a light;a mild converging strabismus; the face is symmetric, akuzija, tongue in an oral cavity on compare line. In dvig.sfere - vaktivnye movements in full, a muscle tone low, suhozhilnye reflexes are recovered D*gt; S, menigialnye with-we - otr.

Has been examined by the neurosurgeon prof. Krivoshapkinym A.A.exclud or to verify likvorejnyj a fistula at present it is not obviously possible. Under the decision of a consultation the child leaves on ambul. A stage. Carrying out RKT of research for revealing a fistula in an ice crust. The moment not expediently.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Such tactics is not absolutely clear to me. If here there will be neurosurgeons - I would listen to their opinion.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Dear deep!

I think, your case not so approaches or suits for the Internet-consultation.

However, some problems are available:

The Delay of -motor development since the first months of a life. Even knowing about a prematurity and predilection of the Russian children's doctors to hyperdiagnostics of any encephalopathies that the child began to hold a head in 4 months, and villages in 9 months - the fact;

The Craniocerebral trauma transferred or carried to 6 months;

The Liquorrhea (as I have understood, not confirmed even simple definition of a level of Saccharum in separated, dripping from a nose);

3 episodes bacteriemic or bacterial (pneumococcal?) a meningitis for short enough term;

Depression of hearing;


Probably, that the trauma has led to development of a liquorrhea, a liquorrhea - to meningitises, meningitises and an otitis - to depression of hearing, the further backlog in development and to cramps.

Or... A word, here it is possible to develop imagination and pomorochit to you a head, but to do or make it or this it is not necessary.

Recommended actions:

1) to find the qualified attending physician

2) to discuss with it or him the plan of inspection and treatment

3) to pay attention to possible or probable necessity:

Additional bacterinations (by the way, till two years do or make konjugirovannuju a pneumococcal vaccine - PCV, instead of PPV which, apparently, and you is 23)

Inspections of immune system - a level of immunoglobulins and a complement first of all

Preventive antibioticotherapia.
