Просмотр полной версии : episindrom cramps

01.09.2004, 19:30
At my daughter diagnosis EPISINDROM.Provodim treatment in current of 4th years, it is refractory to antikonvulsantam and to anticonvulsants (even to the advanced) .v present or true time anybody from doctors can nothing pomoch, the regional centers of Ukraine addressed in all. Passed or took place courses of metabolic therapy but unsuccessfully.

Advise, pozhalusta where still it is possible will address?

01.09.2004, 19:30
Please, begin with the description of complaints, character of the attacks, the given inspections, spent treatment and reaction to it or him.

01.09.2004, 19:30
The child was born in 2001 and cramps 3 times a day in the form of bracing a look and convulsive twitchings of extremities is greater or bigger in legs or foots have begun with four months. Isledovanija NSG structures or frames median a brain are symmetric mezhpolusharnaja a cleft or rima of 3.0 mm lateral ventricles - the right 2.1 mm the left 7 mm the third 5 mm. To the left of a left ventricle plural cysts razlich.diametra from 3 - up to 23 mm are visible. Simetrichno. On the right cysts up to 12 mm in daimetre .ehogennost periventikuljarnyh zones it is moderated - it is strengthened. Survey Dnepropetrovsk obl.nevrologa. -: cysts simtomaticheskaja an epilepsy as Soolanovyh attacks treatment has been appointed or nominated: Diacarbum, asparkam, Benzonalum of improvements nebylo. Passed or took place treatment in institute of pediatrics Kieva.poluchala of a medicine depokin 100 3 times a day, supsilen 50 ml 2 times a day, fenlepsin 500 ml for the night and inside muscularly Sibazonum 0.4. With absence of effect perevedenna in institute of -surgery operation on excision orohnoidalnyh cysts of a brain after operation attacks has been made were 5 times day, have appointed or nominated klonozepam 5 ml 3 times a day, in 3 months after operation have sent in a Dnepropetrovsk attacks there were 3 times day. Accepted konvulsofin, pantolgan, and tsinarizin, the -depot under the scheme or plan of attacks did not become but after a cancelling of this medicine have appeared again sudorogi.postavili -: lenoksa-u?O.?a??a?N? topomjaks bezrezultatno.v present or true time the picture komp.tomografii mozga.v proektsii the central part left lateral tseludochka the spherical form gipodensivnyj the center with precise contours of 2.5 sm kista.bokovye ventricles educations of an average line survey nejro the surgeon has been made are deformed are not displaced - at the moment of survey the operative measure is not shown, it is recommended nabljudatsja at nevrolaga. The medicine enkorat 200, noofen, meksidol is appointed or nominated, Tanakanum without rezultatno.rebenok does not develop, does not go, does not speak, cramps basically after a dream and within day in the form of pohvatyvany transfers or carries hardly happens that is disconnected or switched-off, suhozhilnye reflexes are recovered. Active movements in extremities sohraneny.bessoznatelno says syllables, hvatatelnyh reflexes are not present. Sits itself but hardly, now iy neznaem as it or her to treat where obrashchatsja. Our doctors refuse to treat it or her motivate with that is refractory to preparations. Advise that to us to do or make further.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Please, is more detailed - age, weight, doses, effect (frequency of attacks), the description of attacks is more detailed. Even for today if there are no old data. That is clear at present: has begun with infantile spastic strictures, a rasping delay of mental and motor development are attributes adverse both by way of development, and in relation to frequency of attacks. However about a resistance the question is not solved yet since it is not known, therapy has been how much rationally picked up. Specify a situation.

01.09.2004, 19:30
The age 4.5 years, weight of 15 kg, at present accepts noofen 0,25 on 1/2 three raza.enkorat 200 on 1/4 two times a day and nanoch half-tablets. Efekta is not present nikakogo.enkarat accepts in current of 7 months, noofen 2 nedeli.chastota attacks 1-2 times a day happen more often in the form of fine pohvatyvany (boleznenyh), vobshche attacks happen different. If you will leave phone we can talk in more detail, and during what time is better to call to you.

01.09.2004, 19:30
Noofen to treatment of an epilepsy of the attitude or relation has no. The dose enkorata is too small, especially enkorat - not the most effective preparation valproevoj acids. It is necessary to discuss with the doctor its or his replacement by Depakinum- or Convulexum in a normal dosage, at insufficient efficiency - to combine with the second preparation. With what - a question not for the Internet-consultation. My office number is specified in a structure, but also telephone conversation does not replace internal consultation. In Ukraine there should be competent neurologists-, look. Before reception epileptologa necessarily keep a diary attacks (type, time, duration if is - communication or connection with provoking factors, other features which have attracted your attention) and bring it or him on all surveys. Carrying out of video-YYu of monitoring (not attacks you can notice all, and their presence can influence a choice of a preparation) would be optimum.