Просмотр полной версии : Hello, At me strong pains in pojasnichno-kresttsovom a department of a back, with...

30.08.2004, 23:21
At me strong pains in pojasnichno-kresttsovom a department of a back, has made a picture, he has shown that 3 vertebra a little zaostrenny and small depression of disks of these vertebra or vertebrae, the diagnosis have put an osteochondrosis, but me only 30 years, really it is age for an osteochondrosis what it would be necessary to do or make that the exacerbation has not repeated, can exercises, or treatment are necessary what that? To me have appointed or nominated only diclofenac in ampoules. Thanks for attention...

Solomatov V.G.
31.08.2004, 22:55
Dear sara, the osteochondrosis of a backbone begins with earlier age, for example syndrome SHejerman-Mau - a variant oh, but only at children's age and with the expressed deformation of a backbone. In occasion of methods of treatment is a m. to discuss only with the attending physician. At an internal occurring. profilakticheski after exacerbations - LFK, normalization of a regimen of day and tp. Yours faithfully Solomatov Century