Просмотр полной версии : (Help!) the Dear doctor, Please help or assist!!! I some years st...

30.08.2004, 11:41
(Help!) the Dear doctor,
Please help or assist!!! I some years suffer disturbance of digestion. Speak, that vegetative N.S.Skazhite as it is possible to get rid of this illness is guilty. In fact he to me almost has poisoned all youth. Recently I had a pavor, that I shall not marry. And in fact I nice! And all fault this problem. One I wish to tell or say: to live I so I do not want. I do not wish to struggle for existence. (I do not have sensation, that I live. Simply I exist. And an arm or a hand on myself I can not impose, the pavor overcomes. Here also I am excruciated, as if it is more terrible and tupee than all on light.)
Help or Assist, pls!!!

Suponeva N.A.
30.08.2004, 14:02
In what your problem consists? Except for pavors, you have specified nothing.