Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! To me 17 years, study in institute. On October, 30th, 2002 me...

18.08.2004, 16:50
The dear doctor! To me 17 years, study in institute. On October, 30th, 2002 I was strongly beaten by hooligans, legs or foots on a head. Consciousness like did not lose, there was no vomiting.
Doctors have put diag. sotr. A brain compare gravities.
Special headaches was not, but has decided to lay down in hospital on two weeks. In two months after sotr. Has gone in atletichekuju a rocking chair. Since then I pereodicheski am am hurted with a head (dull aches in a frontal part). Sometimes pains pass or take place for a long time, but it is necessary to me to drive in trjasuchem the bus or to jump off from a step, pains come back. Whether there will be I when nibud the normal person? Thanks!

Chizhikov K.I.
20.08.2004, 00:20
Your headache can have likvordinamicheskuju the reason. You describe type of a headache which is connected with the lowered intracranial pressure. You should make computer a tomography of a head or even a roentgen of a skull for exception kostnotravmaticheskih damages (fracture of bones of a skull). The matter is that it could happen during the moment of beating, and as result, chronic loss of a liquor-> a cerebral decompression-> a headache. To delay visit to the doctor it is not necessary. Only after 100 % of exception of this reason of a pain, it is possible to think of other, possible or probable reasons. Go to the doctor!

Goncharov M.Z.
21.08.2004, 01:37
The concussion of the brain on degrees is not divided or shared;parted. Should pass or take place without consequences. It is meaningful to address internally, with results of inspection and an extract.