Просмотр полной версии : Hello! The left extremities badly work for mum - as though atrofirova...

10.08.2004, 12:47
Hello! The left extremities badly work for mum - as though atrofirovany, the left leg or foot is dragged, very quickly gets tired; the left arm or hand too badly operates or works, nothing keeps. Nobody can define or determine, what's the matter. Whether it can be connected with a backbone? In a youth there was a serious trauma of a knee.

Suponeva N.A.
10.08.2004, 16:32
Angela, communication or connection with a backbone hardly is, especially it not coherently with a trauma of a knee. Unfortunately, it is not enough your description that even predolozhit the diagnosis. Results of neurologic survey are very important. Ask mum, whether there are at it or her twitchings of muscles on an arm or a hand (ah), a leg or foot (ah)? Whether there Are no difficulties at a swallowing of nutrition?

The truth
12.08.2004, 13:31
Address to the neurologist internally! And the more quickly, the better.