Просмотр полной версии : Hello! Recently it is necessary to work much behind a computer, m...

07.08.2004, 08:53
Hello! Recently it is necessary to work much behind a computer, I have a little a rest. I and earlier had headaches, but became now more often, almost in a day, and sometimes successively some days. Often I rise already with a unhealthy head. But nevertheless basically pains begin by the evening, on the right or at the left in one point is direct above an eye or even an eye gde-that inside. Tablets of type of Pentalginum remove or take out a pain. Also facilitates a status glitsin at once 2 tablets under tongue, but it for a while, and there is a feeling of gravity, pressure. Also there are pains in an eye during prosypanija. At rise they pass or take place. Pains also depend on weather. Mum speaks, that it or she in a youth had in general terrible migraines up to a nausea, now it is much less. At me a pain not such strong, but frequent, that prevents to work, but at the same time they arise and for weariness. Besides it is insulting, that we shall tell or say I wake up on Saturday, like have a rest how much will get, an is not present, it is direct since morning a head hurts, and day nasmarku. What can you recommend to me as treatment and with what pains are connected? I understand, that probably holiday would be the best decision but while there is no opportunity... Besides many work much more and anything. At me the working day lasts about 9 hours.
Thanks in advance.

Goncharov M.Z.
08.08.2004, 00:10
Survey of the doctor for the beginning is necessary. If in Moscow, call, 945 80 22.