Просмотр полной версии : Uv. The doctor! My daughter of 10 years, at it or her a scoliosis of 3 degrees (additional kli...

03.08.2004, 09:55
Uv. The doctor! My daughter of 10 years, at it or her a scoliosis of 3 degrees (the additional sphenoidal or clinoid vertebra in a lumbar department) Where to us to address in occasion of treatment or operation? Can be eat new methods of treatment for our diagnosis? Thanks. irinka@amur. ru

Solomatov V.G.
04.08.2004, 15:13
Dear Irina, metabolic processes in a cartilaginous or chondral tissue are in direct interrelation with a status of a liver. In case of similar operation, t is necessary for yours not. To. Deformation of a backbone provokes also deformation of ALL organs and it is impossible to operate ALL organs. Correction of a status of a liver is necessary for you to stop process of destruction and persistent employment or occupations LFK, to correct that that it is possible. If there is no information on a liver or the doctor is at a loss to advise something except for medicines, I shall advise: the high-grade evening and night dream, is more than pleasure in a life. The god with them with school employment or occupations, more than it is necessary under the program, let the child runs and is pleased on fresh air. Probably, that stay in conditions of village is useful. Not zanju your opportunities. Besides I hope, that to the beginning of June pereizdadim kinigu about a liver (endurances or quotations from it or her are placed on our site see an icon). Yours faithfully Solomatov Century

05.08.2004, 01:28
And here a liver, at the child anomaly of development - an additional sphenoidal or clinoid vertebra. Whether operation is shown to you is a question not virtual, address in SKLIF to vertebrologu to. M. n. Grin.

Solomatov V.G.
05.08.2004, 23:10
Dear "dr", about interrelations of a status of a liver and a status of a cartilaginous or chondral tissue of m. to read through in the numerous scientific articles devoted to this subject. The degeneration of a cartilage occurs or happens ALWAYS for any reason, instead of arises in the wonderful image. In occasion of operation at 10 years or summer age. Please re-read once again my reasons in occasion of deformation of an organism as a whole. In occasion of an additional vertebra. Probably he is, and is possible or probable, what is it not absolutely correct interpreting of pictures. Yet did not see pictures, whence such conviction in your report? Yours faithfully Solomatov Century

06.08.2004, 08:21
Dear Solomatov, And it is possible or probable at the girl and the rachiocampsis is not present, is possible or probable it or this too you wish to tell or say, that rentgenololog the fool who has described pictures. On With if to cure a liver, rassasetsja a vertebra, also as intervertebral hernias at anybody do not resolve, only at it or him. Grin - highly skilled nejrohir. Will not be operiryvat healthy people.