Просмотр полной версии : The lower lip and tongue grows dumb with use of a cellular telephone. I cease ispo...

01.08.2004, 14:41
The lower lip and tongue grows dumb with use of a cellular telephone. I cease to use in 2 weeks passes or takes place. Iz-for what it? Phone is necessary for job, please, prompt what to do or make!

Goncharov M.Z.
02.08.2004, 18:47
Hmmm... Looking as you use it or him...

The anonym
03.08.2004, 19:00
Phone, as a rule, is used as an agent for dialogue. Therefore priderzhivajtesa its or his direct purpose or appointment.

Goncharov M.Z.
05.08.2004, 10:28
It is not so ridiculous really. I can regard it as meanness or low act and beastliness not only under the attitude or relation to me, and and to patients. Please, appear, who uses my coordinates! For all others I explain, that I write only under SUCH COLOR.