Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon, the Doctor! Help or assist to solve a following problem, please! 8 sut...

01.08.2004, 15:32
Good afternoon, the Doctor! Help or assist to solve a following problem, please! 8 day ago I have given birth to the child. The nerve (I can not precisely tell or say, that has occured or happened, but each fight was accompanied by a scelalgia on a course of a sciatic nerve and it was similar to a long lumbago), probably, has been restrained in sorts or labors. Now to me painfully to go and the more so to sit, t. To. The leg or foot under a breech strongly hurts. What to me to do or make? How if to not get rid then to reduce a pain? I nurse the child. Thanks.

Goncharov M.Z.
01.08.2004, 17:35
See a doctor internally for the beginning.

02.08.2004, 20:45
Very much I advise to not address to the neurosurgeon.
You, possibly, had an overstrain or overvoltage of muscles of a basin to a prelum vetochek nerves and their vessels. Address internally to the neurologist, it is better vertebronevrologu.

Goncharov M.Z.
03.08.2004, 04:21
"Akusheru" - "... A prelum vetochek nerves and their vessels " - have colourfully explained. Only it is wrong. Dalee-in many western countries is such spetsializatsija-vertebrolog, at us any "vertebronevrologov" does not exist (if only itself will not call). nejrohirurg-it is the operating neurologist, to your data. And nevropatolog-it is not operating neurologist. So chto-" you sorry mua akusher? Here also go labors accept. " And here we kak-nibud shall understand.

To Akusher-Goncharov
03.08.2004, 08:06
Specialities the neuropathologist too already are not present, there is a neurologist. Unfortunately the majority of neurosurgeons not operating neurologists, and surgeons with approximate knowledge of a neurology. Vertebronevrologija-section of a neurology, instead of a separate speciality. For the majority of patients also it is necessary to explain primitively, differently many insufficiently adequately perceive medical terms. You about psychogenic jatrogenii heard something? Be cautious at dialogue with patients and carefully try to choose words. And "to philosophize" it is possible in medium of colleagues.

Goncharov M.Z.
03.08.2004, 10:23
You badly know classification of specialities vmeditsine-can in VAKe take an interest. About " the majority of neurosurgeons " - nonsense next. Much you know neurosurgeons? I, probably, more than yours... It is not meaningful to continue conversation. (((