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01.08.2004, 03:06
At ultrozvukovom research of a cervical department have diagnosed: (it has been written by hand, mistakes or errors) are possible or probable
The expressed dystonia of the basic artery, vertebrogennye influences on a tonus of arteries VBB, sin> dex, with irradiatsiej on an artery parotidn. Pool - sin. Moderated or moderate venous disupriuljatsija in VBB.
(In a year in dr. A place):
On ekstrakranialnom a level high-speed parameters on both VSA are moderately raised or increased. In VBB the blood flow on both pozvonochnym to arteries is astable at item assays, in a greater degree at the left (attributes vertebrogennoj compressions with restoration of a normal blood flow after assays). Outflow on pozvonochnym to veins is complicated. In distal segments pozvonochnyh arteries assimetrija LSK up to 34 % due to hyperperfusion on the right.

At me a scoliosis (attributes of an osteochondrosis of a cervical department, attributes of an encephalopathy of an obscure genesis).
Periodically the head (years 5 6, me 22) very much neprjatnye oshchushchenija-kak-hurts as if the elephant on a neck have planted or put, the sonitus, a status of weakness (especially a little when you you you move), it repeats time 3 in a week, 2 days can hurt or be ill;be sick on end. Accepted Nootropilum and Cavintonum, after the first period of reception the head did not hurt almost about one year, but already these medicines operate or work not so effectively. Earlier arms or hand strongly sweated, now are not present.
For long years of an excruciating at me has ripened some questions (HAVE more precisely become painful):
1. This illness or disease chronic,
2. As except for medicines it is possible to be treated,
3. What kinds of sports it is possible it (is necessary) to be engaged, and with what it is impossible
4. It would be desirable to understand that this diagnosis means, iz-for what arteries are pressed.
- Than you will advise to replace Nootropilum and Cavintonum

If Could you .

Goncharov M.Z.
01.08.2004, 15:20
Your ripened questions to respond to all is possible only after internal consultation.

Dr. Shnyder. Israel.
02.08.2004, 08:26
The report of US (I assume dopplerografii) is nonprofessional. The blood flow in somnolent and pozvonochnyh arteries is recorded or in rate sm/sec or in frequency parameters (and depends on type of the device). Depending on rate of a blood flow the degree of narrowing of a vessel is estimated or appreciated and expressed in percentage decreases of internal diameter of a vessel. The probability preobretennogo a vascular disease at your age is low. The congenital pathology of vessels of a neck too is rather rare. It is necessary to exclude the raised or increased intracranial pressure, as the reason of a headache. Check of an eyeground and fields of vision. A computer tomography of a skull with a contrast agent can promote directed by the diagnosis. The rights the colleague, without the qualified internal consultation to you to not manage. Yours faithfully, dr. Shnyder.