Просмотр полной версии : Dear doctor Goncharov, 3 months ago to me have removed a hernia of disk L5-S1 (mi...

22.07.2004, 08:56
Dear doctor Goncharov, 3 months ago to me have removed a hernia of disk L5-S1 (mikrodiskektomija). Pains have passed or have taken place AT ONCE. It is inexpressible. I have already got used to that I live without medicines and without a pain. I can work. I am am disturbed with one moment: from time to time in a leg or foot there is a feeling of a numbness. Before operation I spoke with surgeons about possible or probable solderings, but to me have responded, that at me they hardly will be. Having read through your recent posting, has thought, whether late just in case to have a drink oksigrissant? Or already late?

Goncharov M.Z.
22.07.2004, 23:28
At all the fact that there will be solderings. And if they are formed (it estesstvennaja reaction of an organism to a surgical intervention) it is absolutely not obligatory, that they will influence on nervous koreshok-such happens extremely seldom. If the numbness at you incidental it most likely local vascular disturbances if you had a numbness before operation, the forecast about it or him is a little bit worse if has appeared after and has changeable character, the forecast favorable. About pofilaktiki rubtsovo-adherent or adhesive process I usually recommend the patients Lydasum intramusculary simultaneously with an electrophoresis mestno-it is an inexpensive and very quite good preparation by efficiency.

Goncharov M.Z.
23.07.2004, 13:02
Also I shall add about the Centers. You as a whole it is perfect or absolute pravfy-anything explanatory or sensible except for a complex of exercises (and to-estesstvenno individual selection and indications is necessary) you there not poluchite-it only the thrown out money. Anybody and in one center WILL not cure (will cure etc.) to you a protruded disk without a surgical intervention. And unfortunately it is an indisputable fact.

The doctor
25.07.2004, 04:04
Uv. d-r Goncharov! Well pochemu-? Exercises taki also help or assist to stabilize and unload nucleus pulposus. And here on the bill of Lydasum! And result or bring please though one link from the world or global literature, for isklucheniem Russian where in neurosurgery it is used v-in under the name L And D And Z And?

Goncharov M.Z.
25.07.2004, 19:23
Russian salad and peredergivanie! Razgruzit-yes, can unload as much as necessary, who would argue. .-this or thus inapplicable here a word. About lidazy-to me enough my own experience and opinion.

The doctor
27.07.2004, 08:18
A-and.. Has understood - " to Me enough my experience ". To well you..

Goncharov M.Z.
28.07.2004, 22:41
I have resulted or brought the literature below. Read and be educated. However can and popeljanskogo in the secondhand bookseller to buy or purchase for nachala-cheaply and well, by the way, it is written.

29.07.2004, 15:31
Who this "doctor"? How much charlatans have divorced! Instead of to a question to respond, conceive malicious discussions! What you, "doctor", soveta-have not given that? Only criticize!
Doctor Goncharov, many thanks to you for the answer. You here - the unique expert. The present or true Doctor.

Goncharov M.Z.
30.07.2004, 21:16
Thanks for an estimation. Unfortunately the way of many lays through t. n. "Healers" of every possible senses. And, that the most important, not spent money and missed time, and lost dreams and belief in general in an opportunity to recover. It is rather dramatic moment.