Просмотр полной версии : By results of KT an intervertebral hernia (sm from 29.07.2003 8 : 44). What to...

21.07.2004, 00:30
By results of KT an intervertebral hernia (sm from 29.07.2003 8 : 44). You mean what conservative treatment? While there were vitamins and Indomethacinum (which, by the way, has very activly responded on a liver). Our neuropathologist has made this purpose or appointment even without a roentgen (with suspicion on ljumbago). It was 2 months ago. What now again to it or him;them to go? It would be desirable to receive more competent references. What it is necessary to drink? What exercises to do or make? Than to smear? To warm up or not? . Respond, please.

21.07.2004, 04:43
Conservative treatment is means, to go to the expert who knows how you to treat conservatively, that is, without operation. As you have already understood, in an out-patient department such are not present. Look in Interente. Much that it is possible to find In the Internet. Only to be treated on the Internet it is impossible, despite of all its or his imaginary power.

22.07.2004, 21:04
Blockade too on the Internet do not do or make
SEE http: // kozachuk. narod. ru

Goncharov M.Z., the neurosurgeon (conference " the
24.07.2004, 11:27
Has responded below.

25.07.2004, 02:44
I have transferred or carried operation in occasion of a hernia m/p disk L5-S1 (for the first time diagnosed and at once have operated - laid on narcotics). Read about it or this much, has much tried or tasted on itself. The Most important in your case as it is not banal, - LFK. There is on the Internet of data on the center of kinesitherapy Bubnovskogo in Moscow and in the same place very good grant or manual with " a lavage of brains " how it is necessary to respect with itself. For me it was very useful. Has tried - operates or works. Briefly: exercises on strengthening of muscles of a back, press, a stretching of a backbone (a horizontal bar, an inclined board), strengthening of vessels, improvement of blood circulation (a sponging down hol. Water!!!, the sauna) Good result gives reception of tincture sabelnika (dekopa). Now it is a lot of everywhere about her write. Try or taste conservative treatment, especially if you have more than 40 years, operation will bring only time or temporary simplification under condition of LFK and the general or common improvement of an organism.

Goncharov M.Z., the neurosurgeon (conference " the
25.07.2004, 20:22
On a single instance, especially to the about methods of treatment, especially not having special education, - do not judge. It is necessary IMHO to state more modestly.