Просмотр полной версии : Surrounding deprive. Treatment: gerpevir (tablets and ointment) in current of 10 days, d...

21.07.2004, 11:32
Surrounding deprive. Treatment: gerpevir (tablets and ointment) in current of 10 days, further - benalgin and gel diclofenac of sodium with naruzhi. Has passed or has taken place more month,
Pains do not cease, but were localized in the right party or side of a thorax. Except for obezbalivajushchih I accept vitamin complex Mega-Chel. What to do or make? Thankful in advance for the answer.

Ekusheva E.V.
22.07.2004, 16:45
Valentine, possibly, is a question of complication - postgerpeticheskoj neuralgias. Unfortunately, not always protivogerpeticheskie preparations protect from similar complications. More high-grade course medicamental and not medicamental (in chastnosit, acupuncture) treatments should be recommended to you. Benalgina, and a vitamin complex it is obviously not enough diclofenac in the given situation. Now there are many the effective preparations facilitating and preventing sensations described by you.