Просмотр полной версии : To me of 30 years. One year ago I had a strong stress (on personal ground +...

17.07.2004, 02:56
To me of 30 years. One year ago I had a strong stress (on personal ground + it has been reduced at job). Has visited or attended the neuropathologist, the cardiologist. Has made an electrocardiogram + Uzi hearts. The cardiogram all over again has given sinusovuju a tachycardia + the expressed changes in all walls of a myocardium. HOWEVER, then me a distance anaprilin. As a result - assay with anaprilinom - positive. UZi has not revealed any patalogy except for systolic prolabirovanija a forward cusp of the mitral valve in a cavity of the left auricle up to 5 mm, peregorodnoj a cusp trikuspidalnogo the valve up to 4 mm and a hyperkinesia stenok a left ventricle. Also during researches at me the easy or light;mild scoliosis of a thoracal department has been revealed. After these inspections to me following medicines have been written out for 1 month: Cavintonum, atenolol, Pananginum, glitsin, koaksil (t. To. The arterial hypertensia) has been diagnosed. The status has improved, but the stress at me has passed in other phase if so it is possible to be expressed. I was jammed on the with health: that at me pressure often rises up to 140/90, for example, has bought or purchased the device for measurement of pressure. Me also has jammed on heart, that it strongly knocks, in the evenings began to drive pavor, and suddenly it ostanitsja, phobia of mors has appeared, apparently, that there is no air, and in general, that I any sick person. And gde-that, during 4 months, appearing pains in the field of heart (shchipkovogo character, sometimes shrill, acute) and quickly passing or quickly taking place began to disturb from time to time, pains in the left brachium, in the field of the left scapula. PAINS are not connected With EXERCISE STRESSES. Tell or say, it something serious, connected with heart? If is not present, what medicines it is possible to get rid.

18.07.2004, 02:14
It is necessary to address to the psychotherapist.

The doctor
18.07.2004, 22:59
On visible, it is inadequate or not correctly treated initial morbid status at you has passed to qualitatively new stage - a hypochiondrial neurosis. Psychotherapeutic techniques in a combination to medicinal preparations can eliminate or erase;remove similar displays.

Chizhikov K.I.
20.07.2004, 13:49
It agree with kollego, but it would be desirable to add, that in the evenings at you as I have understood from read through, develop, so-called, panic attacks. On the Internet we do not recommend treatment, address internally.