Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon! My problem - a hyperhidrosis. Basically in the field of the face. projav...

18.07.2004, 06:46
Good afternoon!
My problem - a hyperhidrosis. Basically in the field of the face. It is shown at exercise stresses (at all very strong). For example during movement (dance), at all very fast, in 2 3 minutes sweat from the face slides a stream, though all around dry. It very much stirs or prevents. At me it kak-that is connected with closeness of a premise or room and with respiration in general. In the summer, having come from street in a premise or room instantly I become covered then though when I go on open air even on a strong heat, the appreciable diaphoresis is not present. Also I notice, that during this moment I start to breathe more hardly, than usually.
Has asked advice or council the local doctor, but he could not recommend to me anything, except for an alternating douche.
What advice or councils will be?

Chizhikov K.I.
19.07.2004, 05:05
I give the link to a thematic site: http: // hyperhidrosis. chat. ru/hyperhidrosis. html