Просмотр полной версии : Good afternoon! I am sorry for a long and boring statement of a situation, but...

Anton Krupennikov
15.07.2004, 01:46
Good afternoon!
I am sorry for a long and boring statement of a situation, but I hope, simply it would be desirable to collect together all the facts, and I hope, that there will be doctors who on the basis of stated can something advise. Passed or took place all conceivable inspections, but while to sense any. So, under the order. The girl is called Elena, her with 23 years. The first problems have appeared approximately 2.5 years ago, in the winter. The girl began to complain that often catches a cold or chills - these colds proceeded easily enough, without temperature, but with a strong rhinitis (liquid allocation, without zalozhennosti a nose), with sensations of " a serious head , easy or light;mild giddinesses. Elena complained that she catches a cold after at it or her at night merznet a head. Firstly to it have not paid special attention, well colds they and are colds...
By the spring the symptomatology has amplified - sopli have gone or send simply a stream, a head plague and. t. d. This time all have written off or have copied on an allergy though earlier she it or this did not suffer. The first antihistamine preparation which has turned up under an arm or a hand, it has appeared Zirtek - signs removed or took out quickly and effectively. But during its or his some moment it has not appeared near at hand - and here there were some strangenesses as against this "allergy" Tavegilum, Suprastinum, no other antihistamine preparations helped or assist. Yes, thus complaints on merznushchuju a head (and exclusively at night, in horizontal position) proceeded. Approximately during the same moment have noticed, that similar attacks are provoked even insignificant kol-vom alcohol - especially by beer and red wine, even in scanty quantities or amounts.
In the summer of 2001 Elena took part or participated in a bicycle campaign across Pamir. The campaign passed or took place at appreciable heights, down to 4655 meters above sea level. Approximately up to height 3700 she would seem both did not notice height, and felt essentially better, than all the others, in obshchem-that more prepared participants of a campaign. However for the fourth day, at departure the first pass (4277 meters) its or her status has sharply worsened. All has begun with an attack of delicacy - and, besides, despite of extremely dry air, was accompanied by a rhinitis whereas at all others on the contrary all mucous have been overdried. To drive independently on pass she not could, it was necessary to help or assist to her to drag there a bicycle, but on foot up to top she has reached successfully, though and slowly enough. Complained of a strong headache, a nausea, strong hum in a head, a giddiness. When have gone downwards (went independently) - it was appreciable, that at it or her some problems with coordination of movements have begun, it or her fine swung or pumped. From its or her words, at it or her the head was strongly turned and she hardly saw road. Have gone down up to 4100 (below there there was no place, the next rise began with this point) and have risen on parking. After Elena slezla from a bicycle, it was found out what independently stand on legs or foots she cannot - practically full loss of coordination of movements. Sharp differences of mood from full apatiii before unmotivated aggression. Short-term losses of consciousness. Objective parameters - pressure 145/100 at individual norm or rate 100/60, pulse 130, a ciliary arrhythmia, temperature 37.3. Insignificant difficulties with respiration, on visible connected with a bronchospasm. On the basis of these signs two tablets of Diacarbum, 4 Dexamethazonum (and further on 2 mg in each four hours per current of the nearest day), 10 Relanium, 1.5 gr a hydroxybutyrate of sodium (all inside, without injections) have suspected the wet brain provoked by a hypoxia of an initial stage, a distance. As a result, in current of hour the status was stabilized, in two hours both objective, and subjective parameters have come to norm or rate. Elena has overslept night easy, and there was only easy or light;mild delicacy in the morning, not prevented to her on the sly to continue movement on a route. In the further, in current of all campaign of repetitions of attacks was not.
The following serious attack has occured or happened already in Moscow, in the autumn. A symptomatology similar, though and in much less expressed form - allocation from a nose, a headache, a giddiness, deterioration of coordination of the movements, raised or increased by a BP. The attack has passed or has taken place independently, however next day we have addressed for carrying out of inspection in medtsentr in Kolomna. Have for the beginning addressed to the neuropathologist, have made enefalogrammu and REG, and also a computer tomography. Have still appointed or nominated the analysis of a blood (from a vein), I do not remember already on what, but there all has appeared in full norm or rate. With the encephalogram too the full order. REG has shown insignificant difficulty of venous outflow, however in opinion of the doctor it could not result or bring in any appreciable consequences. Have in passing made alergennye assays - nikoj allergies have not revealed. On the tomogram have found some problems with the sixth top tooth from the left party or side - at a prosthetic repair something there have inaccuratly made, have as a result touched gajmorovu a sinus. As a result of a consultation of the neuropathologist, lora and the stomatologist the conclusion - by fault to all a genyantritis has been made, the tooth needs to be deleted, a genyantritis to treat. A tooth have torn out, treatment of a genyantritis conducted or order any spray besides containing Dexamethazonum - and while there was a treatment, any attacks, rhinites and. t. d. It was not observed. In passing the neuropathologist has appointed or nominated a course of Nootropilum.
Soon after the termination or ending of treatment signs have appeared on new. The current status - periodically (at night) at Elena merznet a head, next morning appears a rhinitis and giddinesses. The olfaction gradually falls - and it is not connected with zalozhennostju a nose, sometimes even at absence of a rhinitis Elena ceases to feel even strong smells. Helps or assists from all it or this zirtek and Nootropilum. Also vyrazhenno help or assist gljukokortikosteroidy (Dexamethazonum), but we to apply them without emergency we are afraid.
Advise please, what it is possible to undertake? If will not complicate, produblirujte, please, the answer to e-mail.

Yours faithfully, Anton Krupennikov
e-mail: toshka@alvis. ru
www: http: // www. velotourism. ru

16.07.2004, 06:28
The dear doctor! At me posledne time headaches have become frequent. Very strong pain in the field of brows and behind eyes. Not so often.. But it is very sick... Sometimes noticed, that all over again maculae before eyes..... And then passes in a pain. Precisely the tablet always helps or assists.. For example saridon, Sedalginum.. Once Citramonum tried or tasted. It not so often with me happened, but last time all more often... And likely it is not desirable to abuse such tablets. Advise to what doctor it is necessary to address with such signs.. t to at us in small town all peerly doctors are not competent.. Also it is necessary to go to Moscow on paid consultation... Only here where. And with tablets as? It is necessary to accept or it is harmful? Age of 27 years. Thanks.

17.07.2004, 19:35
The dear doctor! At me posledne time headaches have become frequent. Very strong pain in the field of brows and behind eyes. Not so often.. But it is very sick... Sometimes noticed, that all over again maculae before eyes..... And then passes in a pain. Precisely the tablet always helps or assists.. For example saridon, Sedalginum.. Once Citramonum tried or tasted. It not so often with me happened, but last time all more often... And likely it is not desirable to abuse such tablets. Advise to what doctor it is necessary to address with such signs.. t to at us in small town all peerly doctors are not competent.. Also it is necessary to go to Moscow on paid consultation... Only here where. And with tablets as? It is necessary to accept or it is harmful? Age of 27 years. Thanks.

Chizhikov K.I.
18.07.2004, 09:13
For Inna. At you, most likely, a migraine. Address to the neurologist. If in your city neurologists do not treat a migraine, come to Moscow, we shall treat.