Просмотр полной версии : Kind time of day! Tell or say please where in Moscow it is possible to receive pom...

16.07.2004, 05:34
Kind time of day! Tell or say please where in Moscow it is possible to receive pomoshch-treatment of the child, age of 5 years, the diagnosis: Early orgacheskoe damage TSNS, miotonichesky the syndrome, a delay psiho-speech development, the child carried on different hospitals (and so on) have now brought Novosibirsk to Moscow, I shall be very grateful for rendering of the information most efektivnoj clinics (the address phone) rather not road!
Thanks. peter@fxclub. org

16.07.2004, 17:11
Clinic Primavera. B.Serpuhovskaja's Street, 31, cortexes. 12. Explanatory or sensible neurologists also carries. Cheaply

17.07.2004, 04:58
Children's clinic of neurosises at Morozovskoj to hospital and Institute of pediatrics of Russian Academy of Medical Science on Lomonosovskom the prospectus, 2.

18.07.2004, 08:36
Many thanks! Necessarily there orashchus! Still time of thanks!