Просмотр полной версии : Hello. It would be desirable to learn or find out, how much strongly it can be reflected on zdor...

13.07.2004, 21:15
Hello. It would be desirable to learn or find out, on health instability 3-4 of an impellent segment of a backbone how much strongly can be reflected. The problem only in that, what is it influences a blood flow or there are other consequences. The neurologist considers or counts it as the reason of my headaches, recommends a stylostixis. It in general is curable or not? (at me hypermobility of joints)

Solomatov V.G.
15.07.2004, 02:52
Dear Sergey, in general certainly is very serious problem, t. To. In these departments of a backbone the spinal cord, unlike the bottom lumbar vertebra or vertebrae where the spinal cord already is not present settles down, and there are only spinal nerves, t. n. " konsky a tail "). Except for that on a forward surface of a neck pass or take place nervous trunks, their structure includes nerves supervising including both frequency of respiration and intimate or cardiac reductions, that enough often results or brings and to serdechno-to vascular and respiratory problems. In general is with what to work and it is necessary to not postpone. That it was easier to communicate with those doctors, to kotorm address for the help, see or overlook the materials, devoted to an osteochondrosis, at us on a site (cherz baner). Yours faithfully Solomatov Century

15.07.2004, 18:36
Borrow or Occupy in the Chinese gymnastics including ushu,
taj-chi and certainly yoga. For a breakfast 10 minute boiled rice (zamochenyj for the night), he will clean or remove salts from sore points. Simply, but it is awfully complex or difficult to do or make it in the morning and in the evening.
In a year you do not learn or find out yourselves!
oleg@musaev. com

17.07.2004, 05:28
Good afternoon! At me 2 3 times a year happen an exacerbation of problems to a backbone. Diagnose: a syndrome pozvonochnoj arteries. Disturb pains in a neck, disturbances of concentration, headaches, giddinesses. Now at me an exacerbation. Do or make droppers: Cavintonum + Nootropilum. Advise after to borrow or occupy LFK or to go to osteopatu. And I am afraid of all rasping interventions on a neck.
On a roentgen of a cervical department: revealing of a lordosis, an osteochondrosis at level 4-6, depression of height of disks, subchondral skleoz, the tendency to regional osteophytes. Instability of disks at level 3-4, 4-5, 5-6, owing to delicacy of ligaments or cords of the copular apparatus. On doplere: depression of a blood flow on one artery on 34 % .mne 32 years, live in S-Petersburg.
At me such question:
1. How such status of a backbone will affect or have an effect first pregnancy planned through half a year?
2. Whether massage, pool and physical exercises is shown to me? (and during pregnancy)
3. Whether it is possible to cure up to the extremity or end this illness or disease without retsedivov. Whom will advise in Peter?