Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor, My name is Alexander, me of 30 years, body height 184, weight 125....

15.07.2004, 11:26
The dear doctor,
My name is Alexander, me of 30 years, body height 184, weight 125. I am engaged in physical job - repair and construction - much and with pleasure (when she is).
In the last 1, 5 2 years, approximately with an interval in half a year, with me there is a following. Instantly there comes strong delicacy, sweat acts, vision sharply worsens, subjects become indistinct, fork, such impression, that
Looking forward, I see on the right and at the left is better. Approximately in half an hour fingers of an arm or a hand (once there has come or stepped a numbness of muscles of the right cheek) start to grow dumb.
Yesterday, 01.02.03, after a numbness of fingers of the left arm or hand, I have accepted Nitroglycerinum, through chas-an one and a half there was very strong headache, a nausea, at night - a vomiting.
One year ago passed or took place partial out-patient inspection in a district clinic (analyses of a blood: on Saccharum, the general or common - the raised or increased hemoglobin, hormones, the analysis wet, have checked up vessels). The result - is practically healthy.
It would be desirable to know, with what it can be connected, where also what inspection it is better to spend.

Suponeva N.A.
15.07.2004, 18:11
It is necessary to be surveyed at the neurologist, to make roentgenography of a cervical department of a backbone, duplex scanning or UZDG vessels of a head, and for a full picture - MRT a brain.

15.07.2004, 23:36
Thanks big for your answer d-r Suponeva N.A.Pomogite, please, once again! Where I could, it is desirable is out-patient and in one place, to make rengenografiju a cervical department of a backbone, duplex scanning or UZDG vessels of a head and as you advise, for a full picture - MRT a brain. It would be desirable to receive your references and concerning spetsialista-the neurologist. I live in Lefortovo, but the site of medical establishment of special value or meaning;importance has no.
In advance thanks for the answer.

Suponeva N.A.
16.07.2004, 05:25
Dear Alexander. It is the complicated question as unfortunately it is fast, at once in one day, is out-patient to make it it is possible only for money and besides if someone for the handle will spend you without turn. If you address to the neurologist on a residence, you, probably, will prompt any diagnostic center where it is possible to make all this, or partially. Also there are self-supporting advisory out-patient departments. If you have a desire, I can try to help or assist you with it or this at myself at job, with scientific research institute of a neurology of Russian Academy of Medical Science.