Просмотр полной версии : More the strong giddiness 2.5 years ago has begun, pressure skipped, on...

Igor, 36
12.07.2004, 23:31
More the strong giddiness 2.5 years ago has begun, pressure skipped, has grown thin for 15 kg for kortkoe time. And here till now I can not come to the senses. I feel weather changing, smack of a blood in a mouth and sometimes a nose a bleeding. To me it is sometimes good, I am forgotten for the small period of time, but then all again repeats. Naloel already to all relatives here also has decided to pass or take place check. Spaibo to you the doctor.

Dr. Shnyder. Israel.
13.07.2004, 06:12
Not numerous signs specified by you are uncharacteristic for vyjavlenoj at YOU malformatsii, and approach or suit for a somatopathy more. Check up function of a thyroid gland, vitamins of group in bloods, rheumatic assays, including on a systemic lupus (t. n. antifosfolipidnyj a syndrome which is treated by rheumatologists). Yours faithfully, dr. Shnyder.

Igor, 36 years
14.07.2004, 04:58
The dear doctor! I have passed or have taken place a full course of inspections. And me have declared or announced diagnoz-a syndrome pozvonochnoj arteries with atakticheskim, asthenic signs vegetative disturbances on a background of a cerebral arachnoiditis. Osteoh. A cervical department pozv-ka with nestab-ju 4-5. Arnoldi-Kiari 1 2 items Can that that of it or this is the reason of my bad status?

Dr. Shnyder. Israel.
14.07.2004, 18:56
Dear Igor! Resulted or brought by you of the given inspections, the changes revealed at their carrying out do not give those signs which trouble you. Spent MRT a brain and a neck as I have understood from your description, except for Kiari, has not found out others strukturalnyh changes of the central nervous system. You should search for the reason of your problems with health in endocrine, and it is possible or probable also vascular systems of an organism. Probably also psychogenic "stratifications", t. To. Long illnesses or diseases lead to occurrence of depression which can aggravate displays and sensations of illness or disease. Spend the researches recommended by me on July, 6th. Yours faithfully, dr. Shnyder7