Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor! At me a scoliosis of 2 degrees, bespokila weariness in a back...

12.07.2004, 12:37
Hello, the doctor! At me a scoliosis of 2 degrees, bespokila weariness in a back and headaches, I have addressed to manualnomu to the therapist, neochen have helped or assisted, then I at once have passed or have taken place a course of medical massage. After all these procedures head shares have passed or have taken place, but began to hurt or be ill;be sick pojanitsa which did not hurt or be ill;be sick earlier. Also periodically there are pains in the left or right legs or foots. Whether the hernia of a disk could at such be formed "treatment"? And whether can help or assist to get rid to me of this hurt navigation? In advance many thanks.

Alexey, the doctor-neurologist
13.07.2004, 10:53
You have not specified what technique of manipulation to you was made, and also on what departments of a backbone. That is why it is complex or difficult to speak something certain...
And navigation is one of methods of treatment at a pathology of a backbone, however as well as physiotherapy exercises...

Solomatov V.G.
14.07.2004, 08:17
Dear Svetlana, carrying out of many receptions of manipulation sharply increases or enlarges an opportunity of education mezhpozvonokovoj hernias, but it is not always obligatory. e. Long time some patients of m. to receive sessions of manipulation without occurrence of a hernia. Manipulation is certainly counter-indicative from the moment of occurrence of a hernia. Till this moment the question of carrying out MT is solved individually. Coming back to a subject to eliminate or erase;remove doubts in occasion of a hernia, address to the doctor internally and spend inspection of a backbone. Yours faithfully Solomatov Century