Просмотр полной версии : Hello, the doctor! My husband is ill or sick with illness or disease Parkinsona, accepts tsiklodo...

Larissa Maksimovna
08.07.2004, 08:26
Hello, the doctor! My husband is ill or sick with illness or disease Parkinsona, accepts Cyclodolum in the minimal doses because in greater or big the voice has a seat and swells mucous throats. Neuropathologist Nakom has appointed or nominated. By-effects and cautions are awful also it or him it is necessary to accept for life, to refuse otnego it is impossible. I would like to know, if you have such experience in an expert or a practice sick of illness or disease Parkinsona which were treated Nakomom, how much or as far as this medicine is effective in the attitude or relation of a tremor, a relaxation of muscles, restoration of a vitality and as soon can will be shown those preventions or warnings which are described in anotatsii. In advance I thank for the answer.

08.07.2004, 18:43
Advise as will get rid of a strain of some muscles on the face after an insult only do not send to medical institutions of Thanks

Goncharov M.Z.
08.07.2004, 23:32
If leader is the tremor and a hypertonus that leads to difficulty in a daily life, and disease develops, is shown operative lechenie-stereotaxic operation on visual bugre. Address in INH it or him. Burdenko.

Dr. Shnyder. Israel.
09.07.2004, 22:43
Modern, and on an extent more than 20 years a preparation of preference at treatment of illness or disease Parkinsona or syndrome Parkinsona are Levodopum, and one of commercial preparatov-it Nakom. The medicine is effective, promotes depression of a tonus of muscles, simplification at walking. The dosage of a preparation should be selected gradually, in view of efficiency and occurrence of possible or probable by-effects. The medicine can be combined with Cyclodolum and to combine with others DOPA-agonists, which now set. Treatment (selection of a dose and a combination of preparations) should be spent under observation nevrologov-experts. Yours faithfully, dr. Shnyder.