Просмотр полной версии : mums. terpnut. Arms or hand. From. An elbow. Up to. Brushes. Especially. At night...

02.07.2004, 19:30
mums. terpnut. Arms or hand. From. An elbow. Up to. Brushes. Especially. At night

Dmitry Aleksandrovich, the doctor-neurologist
04.07.2004, 01:58
It can be connected with the several reasons, from an osteochondrosis nizhneshejnyh segments of a backbone up to a syndrome of the carpal channel. Be burdened it can accompanying diseases. For example, disturbance of function of a thyroid gland can be accompanied by the raised or increased puffiness of tissues with a prelum of nervous trunks on arms or hand in osteal and other channels. In connection with variety of the reasons internal consultation and doobsledovanie is required.

Chizhikov K.I.
05.07.2004, 12:41
I can only sympathize and allow to address advice or council to the neurologist on internal consultation.

06.07.2004, 06:34
Buy or Purchase to her a magnetic bracelet (a small magnet sew on the extremity or end of a sleeve of a dressing gown) on a wrist, let often it or him wears, warm arms or hand in tazike with hot water with salt and promassazhiruete to her arms or hand in the evening
Since palchikov month 2 with breaks