Просмотр полной версии : Complaints Absent-mindedness of attention, depression of memory fast fatigability ...

02.07.2004, 23:41

Absent-mindedness of attention, depression of memory fast fatigability
poshatyvanie at walking.

The conclusion: a computer tomography

REG - Pulsovoe krovenapolnenie it is increased.
asimetrija - D> S.
The tonus of cerebral vessels is unstable is raised or increased. Venous outflow not
It is complicated.
Elastance of vessels sufficient.
The conclusion: dystonic type reg (hypertonic).

EEG - In a background it is recorded dominant or prepotent, not regular, not
Modulated And - a rhythm of average amplitude, with In - activity
Low frequency and individual T - waves of low amplitude with broken or disturbed
Spatially - vreminnymi parities or ratio of background rhythms with erased
regionarnymi differences.
MPA is not present.
During a photostimulation - depression A-of a rhythm.
After a hyperventilation - 1 2 - carrying out And - irregular activity in
Lobbies odely a brain.
The conclusion: diffusive or diffuse changes biozlektricheskoj aktnvnosti.
Interest dientsefalno-stvolovyh structures or frames.

ECHO - EG: M - the ECHO with vertical penrednim and back
Front with single zaosteryonnoj top. Complex M-the ECHO is steady,
Sharply dominates over the others EHO-signals. A pulsation median
ECHO moderated or moderate. The width 3 ventricles measured EHO-by a method, is peer
5 mm. M-the ECHO without mixture.
The conclusion: in norm or rate


Dr. Shnyder. Israel.
04.07.2004, 02:20
Provedenie vam obsledovanya neinformativni i ne mogut viyavit patologii, esli ona est. Vam neobchdimo proverit funkziu vestibularnogo apparata: Audiometria, BERA (vizvanie potenziali mozga), Cmputered Tomography of brain (KT) ili MRT

Chizhikov K.I.
05.07.2004, 17:52
Yes is not present, to do or make MRT, KT and an audiometry to you, most likely, there is no necessity. As it is dear or expensive. At you, possibly, a syndrome of a vegetative dystonia. Its or his doctor the neurologist treats. Treatment on the Internet is not appointed or nominated. Address internally.