Просмотр полной версии : Give please advice or council how to help or assist. At my friend (the man, 47 years), bo...

29.06.2004, 03:39
Give please advice or council how to help or assist. At my friend (the man, 47 years), hurt, as he speaks a backbone and the left scapula, and the temperature has then risen.

The truth
29.06.2004, 15:59
And chto-(the therapist, the neurologist) he independently has not guessed an out-patient department to reach?

01.07.2004, 10:54
Sometimes so the pneumonia begins, sometimes - surrounding deprive. And more some diseases (I shall not begin to name to not frighten).

The truth
05.07.2004, 09:40
Panty-Surrounding deprive never so it is not shown. You simply loser. With "humour".