Просмотр полной версии : Hello. At me a question. After strong overwork (since a trace...

01.07.2004, 09:09
Hello. At me a question. After strong overwork (since next morning), at me prisudstvuet set of malaises (basically connected with a head). Such as: very hardly to concentrate on what that one, ideas are confused (as though I think of all at once); headaches in second half of day are not rare; usually, to 14 00 - 15 00 days I get tired also me begins is insuperable to drive in a dream, and suffices podrimat 15 30 minutes and all passes or takes place; constantly prisudstvuet what that pressure in a head (not a pain. And as though there a distended bubble which presses on all); in view of all it or this prisudstvuet deterioration in vision, t. e. I can not nachem to concentrate, all as though floats (all the same what to take a walk at - 10 degrees along the street and to come in a warm premise or room) all as that slightly "floats"; in the extremity or end of day eyes - passing in a headache hurt; In current of the first half a year after that overworks were observed complications with the memory, especially the nearest last days events; All occurs or happens as though in a dream... It was checked at the neuropathologist - all reflexes, all in norm or rate. Have put VSD easy or light;mild (or average) forms. Alienations not vyjavlenno. Friends have advised to make Magnitno-the Nuclear resonance (if I am not mistaken). The doctor has told or said, that occasions are not present. Checked eyes + an eyeground - all in norm or rate. Registered 1) NoSHpa, Glitsin, calming or abirritating for the night. 2) Anavenolum, Nootropilum, Vinpocetinum. Special changes did not observe. It was checked at LORa, prisudstvuet atopichesky a rhinitis, used Naphthyzinum (longly enough) have written off or have copied on it. Has practically cured renit, I use nothing (drops). Has not passed or has not taken place. Activly I go in for sports (including Pool). Checked pressure - all in norm or rate. Heart - in norm or rate. As it is necessary to note, that I cannot shake very quickly a head, appears
In the childhood in 12 13 years there was a brain concussion. In a year after it or him it was checked, have told or said consequences it is not revealed. This status is observed in current last 3 years. Does not worsen. Improvement are probably observed in the field of concentration (absolutely slightly). But fatigability described above does not pass or take place, I even would tell or say worsens.
With what it can be svjazanno? How to treat or on what to be checked up? Whether can have it Psychological / an allergic basis? Or what that with a backbone? (the small slouch though experts have told or said what is it presently at all a malposture) is observed. Or it vsetaki consequences of a brain concussion?

Ekusheva E.V.
04.07.2004, 21:22
Consultation of the subsequent observation at the psychoneurologist is necessary to you. Similar statuses cannot be caused or called by a slouch and other disturbances from the point of view of a backbone, and also a concussion of the brain.