Просмотр полной версии : At me decent enough dislocation of the vertebra of a thoracal department (traumas were not)...

01.07.2004, 01:22
At me decent enough dislocation of the vertebra of a thoracal department (traumas were not). It can cause problems with a stomach (during 15 years gastroduodenit, a gastritis, GERB).

03.07.2004, 18:41
As a rule, these diseases and problems with a backbone, together with joints, together with a platypodia, and a gastroptosis and (or) kidneys... - all is the general or common problems of an organism, delicacy soedinitelnnoj a tissue (ligaments or cords). It is necessary to be treated at spetsialista-the orthopedist, only at good (t. e. Not in poluklinike).

Center Solomatova
04.07.2004, 20:38
Dear Paul, it is connected or not with lesions of concrete organs of an abdominal cavity, m. to assume knowing a level of "shift". Besides true shift of m. to be an attribute of an intervertebral hernia, t. e. It is necessary to specify initially what is it such - slangy opinion of the masseur or rentgenologicheski the revealed phenomenon? Or the rachiocampsis (scoliosis) is meant shift? Yours faithfully Solomatov Century