Просмотр полной версии : Rescue or Save! Drank Karbamazepinum the whole month on 1 m month of pregnancy, not knowing...

30.06.2004, 12:52
Rescue or Save! Drank Karbamazepinum the whole month on 1 m month of pregnancy, not knowing about it or her. I know, what is it protvopokazano. Now I on 5 j to week. What consequences can be? I the neurologist particularly has not explained anything. Respond, please, I wait!

Ekusheva E.V.
30.06.2004, 21:50
Aua, a question on consequences of reception of Karbamazepinum on a fetation the gynecologist solves observing you akusher-. Besides it is not absolutely clear, under what neurologic indications you accepted Karbamazepinum

The doctor
02.07.2004, 13:57
Karbamazepinum is the most "favorable" anticonvulsant preparation which can be combined with pregnancy. If you treat an epilepsy (episindrom) despite of pregnancy, the preparation is not cancelled. Depression of doses up to minimally effective Is supposed only. At reception of Karbamazepinum in the first trimester of pregnancy it is possible or probable teratogennoe action. Reception of a preparation during pregnancy assumes more frequent US isledovanie statuses of a fetus. As a whole, on observation epileptologov, percent or interest of children with developmental anomalies at the women accepted Karbamazepinum during pregnancy, slightly above, than at healthy. Current of pregnancy and labors the same as a rule, pass or take place without complications.
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