Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor! At me the scoliosis, vobshchem, especially does not disturb, sometimes at up to...

02.07.2004, 00:04
The dear doctor! At me the scoliosis, vobshchem, especially does not disturb, sometimes at long sitting the back - a curvature in a lumbar department hurts. A question such - whether it is necessary and whether the help manualnogo the therapist, namely, massage is useful to me. The matter is that I descended or went on robnyj massage, all at me crackled there, and now, it seems to me, the back nyt became stronger.... Can, it is impossible to make only one time and all? Manualnyj the therapist has told or said - 10 15 sessions are necessary.

The explanatory
02.07.2004, 05:41
Meant, certainly, not robnyj, and trial...

Solomatov V.G.
02.07.2004, 07:50
Dear Marina look or see please the previous answers in occasion of scolioses (that not potorjatsja). Will understand in what is better consists this problem. In occasion of manipulation: this all taki not massage, even on the basis. They can be combined, but naprvlennost procedures different. Would not advise manualnuju therapy, and itself has felt, and at influence on other people too it is a lot of complications. Closely or attentively see or overlook the information on the problem at me on a site (shchelk on a surname) - inf. About an osteochondrosis of a backbone. Yours faithfully Solomatov Century