Просмотр полной версии : To me 34 years. Help or assist to understand, please, that occurs or happens. At me have begun...

27.06.2004, 18:15
To me 34 years. Help or assist to understand, please, that occurs or happens. At me strong enough pains in the left party or side of a back have begun, is closer to a brachium. (the tomography, a roentgenoscopy, ultrasound, various analyses) have shown the spent inspection, that all in norm or rate. Massage, acupuncture, a course of anesthetizing therapy are spent fizioprotsedury. But painful sensations again come back. What is such and how it is possible to win such enemy?

The neurologist
28.06.2004, 23:23
It seems to me, that it is a question about so-called miofastsialnom a painful syndrome which often meets at an osteochondrosis of a backbone, but it is natural without internal survey of the neurologist to you neobojtis. Only the careful collecting of complaints, studying of the anamnesis and the characteristic of a painful drawing and as pedantic survey of the qualified expert can help or assist to understand to you with this problem and to choose correct tactics of treatment. Better if the approach will be individual, instead of in conditions of an out-patient department. Why to you to not enter the name to doctor Goncharov?

Goncharov M.Z.
29.06.2004, 07:54
It is necessary to estimate or appreciate all data at internal survey. The choice of the doctor of basic value or meaning;importance has no.