Просмотр полной версии : At my father an epilepsy. To him 61 year. It has begun with mini-attacks - golovo...

Stepanova Ekaterina
23.06.2004, 15:33
At my father an epilepsy. To him 61 year. It has begun with mini-attacks - giddinesses, darkness in opinion of, the arrhythmia of heart, an arm or a hand grow dumb, headaches in the field of temeni and a forehead on the right. The first strong attack of an epilepsy has occured or happened after New Year's holidays, t. To. The father does not limit itself to bent for to binge, and now, as though we did not try to protect it or him from it or this, in a week of 1 times yes will find time and agents to satisfy it or her. At falling has probably received concussion though vomitings the hematoma which till now disturbs was not observed, formed. After an attack residual loss of memory. Doctors consider or count, that the reason a trauma of a head received in a youth. Treatment have appointed or nominated fenoborbitalom, Cinnarizinum. An interdiction on alcohol. Constant supervision. Having addressed to the friend nevrapatologu have received the answer: there was an insult as restoration of an injection of Pyracetamum, aktovegina 10 tidnevnyj a course. Memory on tihonku was restored, though attacks of trouble, attritions of forces, zatekanija extremities till now disturbed. And here again strong attacks 3 times for one day. There is a decision to survey in the medical center in our city of Yakutsk (Republic Sakha or Saha (Yakutia). Advise what to do or make. I shall be glad to any response of Doctors!

Goncharov M.Z.
23.06.2004, 18:17
Well and in what vopros-that? Survey! Though sense, to tell the truth, any vizhu-yet will not stop pit-to treat senselessly. And that you describe snachala-it not " mini-attacks ", yes you and in general have not described any epileptic attack.

Stepanova Ekaterina
25.06.2004, 01:23
It can the truth not an epilepsy? I describe one of attacks: always comes unexpectedly, the face is deformed or distorted by a grimace, publishes terrible cry, on all body of a cramp, arms or hand of a leg or foot reduces and twitches (at this time had time kusachku to put a rubber nursery in a mouth and to lay on a bed). Through any time calms down or is abirritated opens eyes learns or finds out nobody and falls asleep. After memory blackouts.