Просмотр полной версии : I am a lot of years am on treatment with back pains. On reception of doctors, at...

23.06.2004, 09:38
I am a lot of years am on treatment with back pains. On reception of doctors, at inspections, molotochkom on a knee the reflex on the right leg or foot is or does not caused or cause by impacts, and on heels on the left leg or foot the reflex also does not cause or cause impacts. In profpotalogii of Vorkuta to me speak, what is it ljumbalgija. I ask to respond, it ljumbalgija or a radiculitis?

Goncharov M.Z.
24.06.2004, 21:00
At you prjamo-taki a russian salad any from diagnoses. To explain longly, but I wish to notice to you, that if the knee reflex has put any more absolutely simple was gone, it is better to make MRT a lumbar department of a backbone.