Просмотр полной версии : The dear doctor, give please advice or council. Today during charging or charge I delela...

14.06.2004, 18:47
The dear doctor, give please advice or council. Today during charging or charge I delela exercises for a neck and a thoracal department of a backbone. When I have sharply reduced lovatki, have felt an acute pain under the left scapula. Now I can not sigh a full breast and move the left arm or hand difficultly.

Goncharov M.Z., the neurosurgeon (conference " the
16.06.2004, 01:56
Most likely speech about an osteochondrosis of a thoracal department of a backbone with a radicular syndrome. Age? Whether there were earlier similar problems? In any sluchae-to the neurologist internally, roentgenography of a thoracal department. Independently undertake nothing.

17.06.2004, 15:21
To me of 30 years. A picture has run has made. Result on medium. And talonchiki to the doctor only on Monday.

Goncharov M.Z., the neurosurgeon (conference " the
18.06.2004, 16:51
Well wait till Monday..)) or address to the private or individual doctor.

20.06.2004, 01:42
Hello! Here the description of my pictures. The moderate depression of height of intervertebral disks at level Th8-9 10 11 12. Sklerodirovanie switching plates is defined or determined. Individual osteal vyrosty on forward surface Th4. A scoliosis to the right.
Tell or Say, it is very terrible or not? The pain at me has almost ceased. I smeared indometatsinovoj with ointment and laid on a heater. By the way, the scoliosis to the right, and hurts in the left party or side under a scapula, than it speaks.

Goncharov M.Z., the neurosurgeon (conference " the
21.06.2004, 01:58
These are attributes of an osteochondrosis. How much or As far as strashno-not strashno-it is necessary to look pictures and you clinically. About a scoliosis and bolej-so usually also happens.

22.06.2004, 12:42
To look or see me clinically it will not turn out, I live in 800 km from Moscow. Tell or say, please, sklerodirovanie switching plates is almost a hernia or from it or this there are subluxations of joints of vertebra or vertebrae? And osteal vyrosty are adjournment of salts? Excuse for there can be ridiculous questions for you. When at me the neck and shoulders starts to be thrilled, I cave in back, I reduce or I shall take scapulas and slyshutsja many clicks. I think, subluxations, and from what they obrazovyvajutsja are what is it corrected? I always train Muscles of a back, so I can not tell or say, that at me the muscular apparatus is weakened or easied.