Просмотр полной версии : Hello, my name is Elena, me of 29 years. Umenja some years time...

The anonym
17.06.2004, 02:46
Hello, my name is Elena, me of 29 years.
Umenja some years shoulders, a loin from time to time hurt. After a course of massage all passes or takes place on a floor of year, and then again starts to hurt or be ill;be sick. Now the left brachium again was ill, and in a status of rest does not hurt, and here is how I shall spend at the wheel minutes 10 15 starts to hurt or be ill;be sick, then the pain in an elbow joins and hurts strongly enough, that I am compelled or forced to lower or omit for a while an arm or a hand in a bottom. Recently painted windows so it has appeared, that I even malenkuochku with a paint cannot hold more than 10 minut-so the elbow and a brachium have ached. And today to everything when drove a car, I had a feeling of a numbness around of the big finger and did not pass or take place long enough time. Prompt please to what expert to address and what is it in general can be. In advance thanks.

18.06.2004, 19:53
Come on www. pozvonok. ru - there, I saw, advise professionally enough.

Center Solomatova
20.06.2004, 19:59
Dear Elena, make pictures shejno-a thoracal department pozv-ka. Problems most likely are connected with lesions of this department. Yours faithfully Solomatov Century