Просмотр полной версии : Hello! The doctor. About one year constant delicacy excruciates. An asthenia, p...

17.06.2004, 03:33
Hello! The doctor. About one year constant delicacy excruciates. An asthenia, undue fatiguability, a shiver in muscles, temperature lowered. Sensation, that in an organism any chronic infection... Whether there can be it a neurologic problem? What you to me will advise to survey?? Very much I am afraid of serious disease, thanks.

Goncharov M.Z.
18.06.2004, 08:09
More likely vsego-not our problem. Complex inspection at the therapist with consultation infektsionista and the psychotherapist

The adviser
18.06.2004, 20:05
Whether for a long time passed or took place a roentgenophotography of organs of a thorax? Necessarily consult with the therapist about delivery of actual analyses of a blood and the endocrinologist. The psychotherapist to you to what (Goncharov's irrelevant and unnecessary advice or council in this case), sechas anyway.

Dr. Shnyder. Israel.
19.06.2004, 22:04
I advise to check up function of the thyroid gland, raised or increased which function can be accompanied by such signs. Yours faithfully, dr. Shnyder.